Has anyone done a complete fuel system cleaning on your Prius? My 2010 is needing injector cleaning. I am considering cleaning the entire system with a pressurized canister/cleaner run through the fuel rail. The tool must run out of the cleaner causing the engine to shake, equaling running out of fuel. I've heard this can be bad for the engine and difficult to restart once gasoline is reintroduced. Should I be concerned? I do have the tools needed to clean just the injectors if that is the best way to go. Thank you in advance.
yes, to all of mine. 07-09-2013, I have a fuel injector cleaner and Dyno setup, where you remove everything, rebuild the injectors, flow test, and pressure test.. I also test the fuel pressure and flow with a fuel injection test kit.. then I put all brand new Orings and clean the ports as well.. to be honest, the canister cleaner doesn't do anything worth while and can cause issues that you can't see.
You just have to remove the fuel pump relay or fuse. It may be tricky to get the cleaner hooked up and put the engine in maintenance mode, you might need two people. When it's finished, turn the car off, re-install the fuze/relay, then ready the car normally. The engine will probablly take a few extra seconds to start while the fuel pressure is building back up. Through the relay you could jump the pump so it runs for 10 seconds or so to build up the pressure before starting. But I do not know which pins to jump. Someone will certainly chime in and inform you. Did you get bad fuel? Have you been using crappy fuel?
Thank you. I really appreciate the advice and input. Haven't tried any of this yet. No bad gas, just hesitating and crappy gas mileage. Current miles 380,000! This seems easier the replacing a head gasket...
380,000 miles, the head gasket could be leaking coolant which could be causing the hesitating and pour fuel mileage....
I can tell you your injectors are probably trashed.. if you end up doing the head gasket, get new injectors, 200-250k miles is usually when they start getting tired
Take the intake manifold and look at the injectors. A lot of the time there is actual carbon and sludge on the tip of the injectors. You can scrub them with e85 and a soft tooth brush and get them squeaky clean pretty easily.
What was the miles when you got it? 380k miles may be the highest 3rd gen mileage ever reported here. Have you been cleaning the EGR system and intake manifold periodically? It’s the original engine?
Yes. Original engine. I have replaced the fuel injectors twice. Yesterday I put in Lucas Complete Fuel System Treatment and it seems to be running better. No head gasket leaks from my inspection. I've been all through this car since we've owned it.