Hello, Today I am going to pick up a prius plug in that I found on FB marketplace. Blown head gasket, 230K, torn up seats, $2250. Pretty good deal I hope. I have not done a Head Gasket before, but I know to be slow, careful, organized, and watch the videos and read the threads a bunch of times over. I will be going to get it in a few hours, and will be towing it back home. I am as yet unclear if I will have it towed by a truck or use a Uhaul truck with a tow trailer. It is my understanding that it is best to not use a tow dolly since there is regen braking on the back wheels? I did not think so, but that is what a tow guy told me. The 12V battery is dead, is there any way to get it into neutral or do I need to jump it for that? I am thinking that I will not even turn the engine on, since I do not want to damage it. Unclear how long it has been sitting, though my impression is a couple weeks. I will bring some boards to ease it onto the trailer since the pitch will probably be too much for it. Is there anything else I should consider for the pickup? I will have many more questions about the repairs, but first I need to get it home.
There definitely shouldn't be any regen on the back wheels. As long as the fronts are off the ground, you should be good to go. I would take a 12V battery/jump pack/cables or something. I'm not sure how you'd get it into neutral with no power. You could check the owners manual online, but easiest way would be to get it some power via jump points under the hood I think... Though that may be difficult as they are tight to get at if I remember correctly(never used them on my 12). Otherwise you'd have to climb over seats and find the emergency release for the trunk to get at the battery I believe...
Sorry, but the tow truck driver doesn't know what he's talking about. The back wheels are just gearings on axles. No regen possible back there. Easiest way to get it in neutral is with a jump pack at the jump points under the hood. It is not tight at all. I've done it scores of times at work. In fact, you can probably start the engine with a blown head gasket as long as there is coolant in the system. But since you don't know if maybe coolant has leaked into a cylinder, it's safer to not start it. IIRC, you just connect the boost pack, hit the power button twice with no foot on the brake pedal. Once it's in IGN ON, press the brake and put it in neutral. Get it on the dolly or flatbed, and then hit the power button again to shut off the car. Or, if you use a dolly, you can use a jack on each side to raise the front wheels and back the dolly under them if the dolly will clear the jacks.
Do you need to get it into neutral. Does Park brake the back wheels? I don't know, just asking. It could be too that you need to maneuver it out of wherever it is sitting now and therefore need it to be in neutral.
You do if you want the car to roll. The parking brake does lock the back wheels, just like any other car. Putting the car in "Park" does not engage the parking brake.
Thank you guys! I rented a Dolly from Uhaul and used my Tacoma to get it home. It turns out that the seller incorrectly listed it: it is a normal Gen 3, so I was able to talk them down to $2000. I have started a new thread in that forum: "New" Gen 3 prius with busted HG | PriusChat