My 2014 Prius with 205k miles started rattling the other day. I took it to a mechanic and they told me that the car needs a new engine because some type of fluid is leaking into one of the pistons. They told me that an engine replacement would be $8,400 for a new engine, including parts and labor. Total cost to fix it up to good working order would be about $13,000. The problem is that I already bought a new car, and I have no intentions of fixing this up. My questions is, what do I do now with this car that still technically runs but is basically a ticking time bomb? No one's going to want to buy a car with a faulty engine. Can I junk it? Who would I junk it to? I can't really strip it for parts as I live in an apartment complex. Any advice would help. Thanks!
That price quote is way over what I have seen for a head gasket replacement. Try listing this on Craigslist’s or even Facebook Marketplace- explain the issue. You should still get around 3 or 4K for the car as is. Search here for head gasket replacement or JDM engine swap. Total should be about 3k tops. Also check for another shop - this quote is way over, so I am not sure if I would trust them on their diagnosis. Good Luck!
Depends on conditions You should be able to look at the Facebook marketplace and see one or two Prius on there with the same problem or very similar problems needs an engine got massive codes and won't run etc etc You see what they're asking for them prices are all over the place so yours could be all over the place too It's in really nice shape possibly now I know way better I would never do anything like that I bought my persona with 165 or 70,000. For $4,500 4 years ago as a good running vehicle no issues no lights on nothing
Whoa that quote is ridonculous! I just did a quick search and found a used engine for $436 and a rebuilt (which is what you want, has a warranty) for $2,350. The other costs are shipping and paying a mechanic to swap it out which isn't a hard job.
There's a guy on here in Oklahoma who will put a used low mileage Gen4 engine in it for $1500 labor in one day in your driveway and sometimes you can find an engine from a wrecker for a lower price than that. So if you can work with someone who wants to buy your car and do that upgrade, that'd be the best way to go about keeping a clear conscience regarding whoever you sell it to.
You're in Colorado Springs...excellent! Send me a message and I'll give you the contact info for a master mechanic who, also, works on car in his garage...SUPER nice guy and has helped our me, my son-in-law, and co-worker. I'm sure he can help swap out that engine. (And Edmunds says a 2014 with a rebuilt engine is worth $9,717-11,725.)
New engine Prius gen 3? No such. Toyota doesn’t have engines with 0 miles on the clock setting in a wharehouse readily to be sold. If anytjing, used engine.