I am pretty excited that my Prius #9 will be available for pick-up next week. I am paying MSRP, plus about $350 for port add-ons (not my choice, but willing to live with it). Just wondering what the total cost should be, including all taxes and license. I have not been able to find this out, so if any Southern Californians can give me an idea, I would be eternally grateful. C
I'm in the process of buying my Prius over there, and I believe the out-the-door price, if we register the car in California, would be around 29,500.
I placed my order thru Asif at Toyota Town in Stockton. Was on the waiting list 4 - 6 weeks, and was notified last week that my car will be arriving this week (hopefully) or next, at the latest. I will be flying up to drive my car down (I am in the Los Angeles area), and Asif is arranging to get me to Stockton from the Sacramento Airport (closest one). They get quite a few cars up there, apparently. As a matter of fact, I originally placed my order for option package #6, and changed my mind to get option package #9 after waiting about 3 weeks, mainly because of comments made by people on this board and PriusOnline. When I spoke to Asif last week, I still had the choice of either option package. I thought I would have to wait longer to get the #9, since I hadn't been on that waiting list very long (only about a week), but no, I got my Salsa Red!! I have absolutely no reservations in recommending Toyota Town or Asif. If anyone is interested, his cel phone is (209) 327-0488.