I searched deeply about obd2 scanners and chose this one Veepeak OBDCheck BLE+ and some people say this obd2 works very well on prius, and also it removes fail codes (after repair, e.g. catalytic converter). It hase chip 2.2 version, pic18f25k80. What do you think does it help to remove fail codes and if it shows useful information about my car systems or not?
Have you download any app? Dr prius and Hybrid assistant are the 2 that I used. If you really want a lot of info, try Car Scanner.
I did not buy yet, can you tell me , does obd2 give "really" useful information for car diagnosing? or is it only fun thing?
Useful, at least for me and you can use the info for troubleshooting. Here's Dr prius site, Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus. it can show you battery charging pattern. Hybrid assistant shows different data but helpful, like coolant temp, rpm, actual voltage. There are a lot of threads on here explaining further.
It will, but keep in mind that removing fail codes (i.e. ignoring problems) is a bad way to take care of your car. The important (essential, even) thing is that it will allow you to get the fail codes, which you can use to fix what is wrong with the car, so the codes go away because the problem is fixed.
I thought it removes only fixed problems , so it can clear unfixed fail codes, can't it? I installed new catalytic converter and check engine light dissapeared but a day after sitll shows again.
Nope, clearing codes clears the codes, whether the problem is fixed or not. How long it then takes for the warning light and code to come back depends on how the car detects that particular issue. Some issues are detected so quickly that it will come back before you even notice the code being gone; it will seem as if it never was cleared. For other issues, the code and light will go away, and you can be driving around with the unfixed problem for weeks or months before the code's detection condition gets met again.
ok, so how to fix then catalytic converter check engine light is still on? of cause if there is not any other problem. or will I need toyota official techstream tool?
Depends on your code, could be bad cat converter, o2 sensor. you can look up your code on this site to find out how to fix your issue
Trying to find a OBD II Scanner with Bi-Directional Capabilities so I can test the water pumps (Motor and Inverter). Looking at Innova 5160 as it is less than $500 and has a lot of capabilities. The other ones I can find with Bi_Directional are over $1000 and I just can't justify that. Does anybody have other suggestions for bi-directional Prius testing ???
Its expensive for me, I have already bought veepeak BLE+ for 35$ with discount. If I clear catalytic converter fail code(after installation of new cat) will it be gone permanently? or how to resolve this issue, turn off CEL light but do not remove code from system? also I downloaded cracked torque pro app to test until I buy , will it work can you tell me?
If a trouble code tells you of some problem with the car, fixing the problem is the only thing that will make the code be "gone permanently". Clearing the code only clears the code, for however long the car takes to detect it still has the problem and set the code again.
Techstream, like any other scan tool, can clear fault codes that haven't been fixed, and it's equally pointless whatever scan tool you use to do it.