When I let off the pedal,it shudders in the front left of the car.. It also shudders while driving down the road bad. It feels like the front left.. Thank You if anyone has an idea what's going on.
Code read time. Maybe a misfire code . 2z A cycle seems to have head gasket sealing issues at mileage..purdy common it seems
What shudders? The steering wheel? Engine? Need more information. Check your wheel lugs, are they loose? Is the axel nut coming loose? Is your tire tread coming off?
Not the steering wheel,the front of the car,left side. Lug nuts are all tight. I thought the tire could be lopsided/bad,just not sure. I don't have much information Seems to be worse around 50mph,then let off and gets wors.
Maybe the wheel is out of balance, you could have lost a wheel weight. Swop the front wheels, or swop with the left rear wheel. If the shudder transfers to the rear, you know it's the wheel.
Car runs very Very smooth,I do 3K mile oil changes with premium oil and my Gold Plug is clean. That head gasket issue is the 5K and 10K oil change people from what I've seen.
Ok man sounds good . Move coils and plugs around and play that game If it moves then you know what you got I kind of doubt it though unless they've been seriously neglected I don't know what oil changes equals head gasket blowing I don't think that really has a big thing to do with the head gasket blowing personally That's like engine flex between all the pieces that kind of thing open deck Good luck.
Since the "engine" appears to be okay, don't be fooled into switching coils and plugs around. Without driving and experiencing in person, my "guess" would be a bad tire, or out of balance wheel. Have you switched them and then driven the car yet?
I just rotated the front left and rear tires,still shuddering over 50mph..... Engine is definitely running and idle very very smooth. I have that cheap blue scan tool and Torque Pro and No Codes .
Just for giggles have a look at the EGR pipe; it takes an hour or two:: I don't see frequent oil changes making any difference to the degree of carbon clogging in the EGR system. If you do opt to clean it, first two links in my sgnature have info. On a phone turn it landscape to see signature.
Okay, but did it change to the rear???? If it didn't, check the rotor, it may be warped. But you'd really feel it when braking. Did you check the nut holding the axel in place? If the shudder stays at the front left, you should check the whole suspension, brakes, and axel. Something could be loose.
Yea,I feel it when braking, rotors and pads are Brembo from Rock Auto. I might just take it to a small Toyota shop close to me,the Dealership here in Florida are Criminal Ripoff Artists.... Definitely not a Tire problem. I did look around,I didn't see anything loose or mangled..
Thanks Mendel for the Video, I try to use STP Ultra 5 in 1 often,It seems to help alot.Im sure the EGR does need a cleaning though,it's never been done.
You should have said that in your first post..... Time for new rotors. I doubt they are thick enough to turn. At least they are easy to change, and not too expensive.
Haha I’ve been saying that for years here. It keeps ya guessing and speculating then bam! The most important info then gets added.