Three days ago, I had to put my donut back in the trunk. Finished cleaning the car and parked it in the garage. When I got out I had a series of beeps my smart key warning light was on and the theft deterrent was on. Car wouldn't lock. I haven't been able to lock it since. I've checked all the doors and I took the car into the shop. They thought it might be a low battery in my fob, but that wasn't it. Suggested I try the other fob because the one I've been using might need to be reprogrammed. Still no luck. Any suggestions on what might be causing the problem. One key is on a hook in the house the other in my pocket.
Could be 12V battery. Most of us will always recommend to get it load tested to eliminate an easy source of electronic troubles. When you close all the doors does the dome light eventually go out? Check for this with the key fob at least 15 feet away from the vehicle. If not, a door sensor isn't working correctly. Or certainly the hatch switch as mentioned above. Only other thing I can think of is trying to lock the doors with the Prius still made READY, as in still on. Not turned off. But I think that is just one long steady beep.
any chance you have another key fob inside? the car will not lock with the keys inside... at least mine wont. are you sure all doors and hatch are closed tightly?
Thanks for the help. I took the trunk basket out and checked connections, everything seemed fine. I carefully replaced everything, making sure it was all properly seated. Then I slammed every door. including the hatch. And, guess what... it worked. Don't ask me how, but now I can lock the doors.
Good fix, and it didn't cost a dime. Wanted to ask about your avatar picture. That looks a whole lot like Chanute AFB in Rantoul, IL. Spent some time there twice, maybe three times.
Yes that's Chanute AFB. Good eye. I was there three times myself. First time for Avionics Instrument training, then a database management school, then as an instructor. This was taken during my first visit.
Well, it didn't stay fixed. The car thinks there is still a fob inside even tho I only have two fobs and neither one is in the car. Tonight I got home from the movies (left my car at home). I didn't open the door or make any attempt to get in the car, just pressed the button on the driver door and it locked. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
did you ever check the 12v? or maybe the slamming temporarily dislodged the hatch latch. or is it lodged? have you tried the other toyota mechanics trick, sledgehammer?
Lets see, I was there for weather observer training July-December 1977 and again in June-October 1982 for the weather forecaster course. I remember the washout rate for that course was close to 75%. Tough! The picture might show that shiny B-58 Hustler they had there on static display.
I had the same issue! I was charging a flashlight battery in the cigarette lighter and when the car turned off, this continued charging. Unplugged it and the problem went away! It was NOT the door actuator like a lot of people say on this forum. My experience of the problem was as followed: When I turned the car off and opened the door, the car would beep steadily as if I had clicked the power button once without pressing the brake, like it was in Accessory mode but no lights were on. Locking the doors resulted in an immediate unlock. I should have noticed something strange when the cigarette lighter was still working with the vehicle off. Unplug anything from the cigarette lighter and see if this fixes the issue before you go through Any mechanical issues