My son wrecked front of his prius. It just had the inverter done at dealer a couple weeks before. The put the updated one Thank got it was a recall job because it would have been 4k. Anyway, see the picture, Has around 140k miles i believe maybe a little less maybe more. Everything worked on it. Real shame. I think it will cost more to fix than he can get another cheap car for. Let me know if you think it is. Car is just west of Nashville , TN area. I'm heading there in a couple days to part out or help him get rid of it and sell the big items then off to pull-a-part. I can send more pics then. Let me know if you need some parts like exahaust catalytic convert, or Battery, or Inverter or anything. Tires were new from discount tire about 7500 miles ago. Thanks, Peter
First off, sorry to hear of the loss. Definitely sucks that the inverter just got done. If you don't mind, there a very specific "part" that I'd like to purchase. I need just the small nylon pull tab that is used to pull up the floor/cover in the back to access the storage area underneath and the tire area. I've circled it in the first picture from the passenger's side. The second picture show the Phillips screw that holds it from the bottom side. Long story, but with my stealth camping, I go through these like water as I rip through the nylon by the screw. I am always looking to have a standby. Shipping is simple since it fits into an normal envelope. Name your price!!
Interested in some interior trim pieces and light fixtures - namely the center console cover/armrest and the plastic push-on light above the passenger seat. Depending on price, I'd also be interested in buying the EGR & EGR cooler.