I see that my 2005 Prius' stock antenna will bend to fit under a roof storage box, but will it's reception be acceptable under the box? If not, recommendations please for a better solution? The box is a Thule Force XT L I got used and will pick up Monday on the Yakima rails and rack I had installed today.
I have a Thule Adventurer box and bend my antenna under it on my 2008. I don't see any change in reception at all. If the bending part bothers you you could always swap out the stock antenna for a Shark fin type one. the mpg take a pretty big hit..... I get about 32 mpg under ideal conditions...as low as 22.5 mpg with a strong headwind. YMMV.
Thank you very much, everyone! I'm relieved that it sounds like the reception will be fine. Though now that I've gotten to thinking about this, I wonder CAN ANYONE PLEASE SUGGEST A NICE 2.5' to 3' ANTENNA (I'm now using a 20 one", but I just read that 30" is optimal)? It sounds like the mileage penalty will be very significant, but now that I have a girlfriend with 3 teens, snowboarding and other trips are too uncomfortable without more storage space.
NO. I suggest that you NOT mess with it. It probably won't make a noticeable difference to anything. And certainly NOT if it is folded down under a box.
You donʻt need a larger than standard antenna. The system is rf tuned for the standard length. Same goes for shark fin. I tried one on my gen2 and then sold it. Local in town it was ok but 30 miles out it suffered. FM is line of sight no matter what. Most radio stations have free online streams which is an option when out in the sticks. Buying the $5 a month XM is also a good option and also comes with an online app. The app allows downloads as well. You can just buy xm for your long distance trips if desired.
if you do mess with it, do yourself a favor and reseal the mount, I've had a couple leaks over the years.. also I removed my mast and put a small FPV omni antenna and didn't notice a difference..