When taking possession of my Limited, the salesman gave me 1 keyfob and one key insert. Salesman stated Toyota will mail me the second keyfob. Is this normal?
Apparently Toyota is being cheap and pretending there is a problem with having enough keyfobs, reality is that they may send you another keyfob, but you may need to keep on them about it, Toyota likes to take their time and hope things get forgotten.
NO. Not "normal". The strange thing about this is: IF you go to the parts desk, they can order you a second FOB and then service will program it........at your expense. If I was in that situation, I would not take delivery of the vehicle without a second FOB.
I guess this would force the dealership to process a replacement fob free of charge? Otherwise I guess I would need something in writing stating the second fob is on order.
Dealers will not be giving out second fobs until they have inventory on the lot that’s taking longer to sell than they would like
From what I just read Toyota made the decision to allocate one smart key fob per car until they have enough chips and will gladly send out second fob for free when they are available. Better to release inventory with one fob than to hold off releasing newly built cars because they don’t have two fobs. I would still want it written in the purchase contract. Waiting on delivery until second fob is available might be a super long wait. : /
I know! My fob fell down an elevator shaft. What a nightmare! Water damaged but luckily the chip was okay. I purchased a knock off fob from Amazon and was able to transfer the chip. Works fine now and I keep the original spare tucked away.
AND a written and signed statement that they will pay the cost of towing the car etc. IF the only FOB is lost or damaged or just quits working since just the metal key will NOT start it.......right ??
Yea, looks like Toyota is delivering cars with 1 key fob. Luckily my car has capability of a digital key so I'm not too worried, but will be following up at least every few weeks. I definitely want my second keyfob.
They won't do this if they follow Toyota corp instructions. Lost keys are the reason parts can get fobs. But it will cost more and the lost key will be disabled in the car's immobilizer. When they do start sending fobs it will require a service appointment to copy your existing key. There will be quite a backlog since they have sold lots of cars in this mode since Oct 2022.
Seems this is coming down from Toyota USA. At least that is the lowest level approving it. Toyota corporate is likely aware, if not the actual source of this. They were, maybe still are, shipping cars in Japan with disabled features because of chip shortage. Lack of a second fob is better than loss of something like auto stop in terms of rectifying at a later date.
On the bright side, I’ve never needed my 2nd fob. When I looked at the ‘23 Prius, they had notices on the window of only one fob with another one coming once supplies caught up. That said, I think several models had similar notices, so it’s not just the Prius.
Yup I just got my '23 Prius on Tuesday, and can confirm I only received 1 Smart Key. Dealership told me this was due to the chip shortage (really?), and that Toyota would mail them the key at some point which they will then contact me about. Sucks that this is how they're doing things but at least the '23 Prius is a great car!
One fob? chip shortage but you can order one from the parts department at your cost? When they become available Toyota will send you the 2nd one? I call bullßheiser. We know some dealers will tell you ANYTHING to make a sale. If I really needed/wanted another keyfob I would make that part of the negotiation process. If they are firm on the price, hit them with accesories. Second key fob, trailer hitch, mats, spring loaded hula girl for the dash etc m