Prius C 2012 No Plug-in 130k miles No error codes It has been overheating when on high revs (going up hill) or when driving faster than 70mph. It shows the red flashing temperature warning. When it overheats I release the throttle and it cools down fast or when I crank up the hot air also cools down fast. I use the torque app to see the temps. Notes: The hot and cool air a/c works fine. There is no leaks, coolant levels have been the same for months. I (not me) replace the thermostat and made no difference. I had the radiator check and is not clogged. After driving, touching the radiator feels hot according to torque temps. I checked for blown gasket (video on some post on this forum) and no bubbles. Any ideas? Thanks
Don't let it get to red blinky status. An aluminum engine can only handle that a few times before the head gasket goes. Have you checked the water pump?
How do I check the water pump? I know it has a connector with 4 pins, 2 are the 12v and 2 for a sensor? I would think about turning it outside but not sure how to..
I'm with Leadfoot. You need to check the water pump. To check that, your going to have to remove it and you'll be looking for worn impeller blades. (Yes that happens and more often than you would think) I've seen impeller blades on water pumps nearly non existent. This happens once the anti corrosion additives in the coolant break down. Tends to happen to those who never change the coolant. Here's an image of what I'm talking about:
I don't know the proper test for it- you can "rent" the factory service manual from Toyota for $20 and it has a pretty solid diagnostic tree so you can work it out the right way without guessing or wasting time or risking more engine damage.
In case of a worn impeller water pump. Is there a way to replace the impeller or i have to buy a new water pump? I'll try to check the water pump today. I keep you posted Thanks
So I surrender my car to the dealership and it was indeed the water pump. I brought it there because it was getting worse. I couldn't drive faster that 50mph on flat... I will ask for the old water pump back, just for research purposes. Hopefully they will give me it back. I will post what was the issue with the pump. Thanks "If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth."
You can read about that here. (That's for a Gen 3 liftback, but I think the pumps are wired pretty much the same.)