I am one of the few who doesn’t like the “new car smell.†The actual smell is not offensive to me, but it does give me headaches and makes my eyes red and watery. I think that when we get our new Prii I’ll take a cue from Sasha and stick my head out the window. Good Boy! :crazyeyes: :tongue:
Maybe some one could lone you a Newf. If she has not had a bath in a week it pretty much takes care of the new car thing. Its a combination of dog hair and slime. Anyone who decides to love a Newf has to make a few compromises. We have one rule "no one loves a wet Newf" fortunately they dry out. They are great dogs. You have not lived until you wake up at night and find a Newf with his or her chin on your bed, sitting there just looking at you while you sleep. A pet or two and they lie down next to your bed and you are safe.
Another way to kill that new car smell would be to throw some McDonald’s Big Mac wrappers on the back floorboard for a few days. But that would just be substituting a headache and red watery eyes for a dizzy, upset stomach, barfy, I polluted myself feeling. ukeright: I’m thinking a wet Newf may be preferable.
I hate the new-car smell. I hate the smell of it, and it makes me sick. I get motion-sick just smelling it. Fortunately, it dissipated for me in just a few days of leaving the windows open whenever it was in the garage.
smelly Volvos Even old Volvos tend to smell. Around here old worn Volvos are often the first car for young drivers. These cars are old and well smoked in with heaps of various stuff on the floor. I think the new car smell is better anyday. /Paj
new volvos (at least the S40 from 2002) all smelled like bad fish, the dealer told us that was so people would vent the car after they got it and not breathe the fumes from the adhesives etc.
Maybe it's because they are built in Gothenburg on the west coast. There might be shrimp leftovers under the carpets. /Paj
Maybe they use the cars to cure and dry lutefisk before they are shipped. I once ran across a Swedish page on how to eat lutefisk, I involved large quantities of alcohol.
Ahh, now I know why I don't like "lutfisk". I wouldn't survive the amount of alcohol needed to get the stuff down. And the people who actually eat it don't remember how bad it tasted for the same reason. /Paj Pickup tomorrow...
Reminds me of the recall of several dozen Mercury cars a few years ago. They kept finding small amounts of tuna... :roll:
Ahhh, so cute! Love the pics. *nod nod* Sasha looks perfect with Belle. Two beautiful things in one pic; lovely. And in your second pic, we have a Beauty and The Beast theme going. *plays theme-song from movie* :mrgreen: My own Beast likes this pic the best. I like em both. I shall give you points!
You too, eh? I feel your pain.... I always dread getting into a new car for that reason alone, especially if I have to sit in the back where I can't see out! That's two things working against me, all before the car even moves, and once it does.....god help me and pass the Dramamine (sp?) quick! ukeright: