2010 prius iv Communication error between HV ecu and Airbag Control Module. Ive replaced both modules and the code wont go away. The car drives but the check hybrid system message wont go away. Anyone know how to make it go away?
The Repair Manual (available by subscription to techinfo.toyota.com and also on the ChiltonLibrary service, to which many public libraries provide free access) lists “Wire harness or connector” as a possible trouble area, along with the two ECUs. The detection condition for P3107 with INF code 214 is “Open or short to +B in the communication circuit,” and if you’ve already replaced both ECUs and attempted to clear the DTC, but it returns, the most likely remaining cause is the wiring. Have you done all of the wiring checks in the troubleshooting procedure?
I found one black wire in the wiring diagrams that should connect the two modules and did the troubleshooting but I am very good with a multimeter and I am not sure if I was doing the resistance tests properly. I tried jumpering the wire directly between the two and it didnt fix the code. do you have access to that specific year year code procedure?
Keep in mind that the problem could be a short to B+ (i.e., to the 12-volt supply), rather than an open. The procedure has you check not only that there is continuity (resistance < 1 Ω) between the two ECUs, that is, from L5-29 (ABFS) on the Power Management Control ECU to L16-14 (GSW2) on the Airbag ECU Assembly, but also that neither of those terminals is shorted to body ground, and with the AM2 and IGCT NO. 2 fuses removed, connector L16 disconnected, and the power switch off, that there is no continuity (resistance ≥ 10 kΩ) between L5-29 and any of twelve other terminals, which would indicate a short to B+: A21-2 (+B2) A22-5 (+B1) L5-1 (AM22) L6-7 (AM21) A22-6 (MREL) A22-1 (IG2) L6-1 (ACCD) L6-2 (IG1D) A22-2 (IG2D) L5-14 (SPDI) A21-16 (GI) A21-4 (FCTL) There are also some other steps, too numerous to summarize here. I do, but the copyright laws prevent my posting it verbatim. The Repair Manual and Electrical Wiring Diagram are available by subscription to techinfo.toyota.com. Most of the text and illustrations are also on the ChiltonLibrary service, to which your local public library might sponsor access for its patrons.
that was very helpful. i dont think those pin numbers are the ones i was testing. I will go back with this new info and try it again. thank you very much
Ive done the tests and i have 5 terminals with higher than 10kΩ resistance. what does this mean? short to 12v?
Did you remove the two fuses I mentioned (AM2 and IGCT NO. 2) and disconnect L16 before making the measurements?
Yes I removed both fuses and l16. The repair manual also says to disconnect the other 3 connectors to the hv ecu. I did that and did the test over again and all 12 terminals were under 10k ohms. So I guess it's not shorted to b+
Under 10 kΩ, or over 10 kΩ? Between L5-29 and each of the twelve terminals, under the specified conditions, the resistance is expected to be at least 10 kΩ. If it’s less, then there is probably a short.
If you haven’t already, I’d suggest reviewing the Repair Manual procedure, to be sure of the test conditions. If you’ve followed the steps correctly, this is definitely not the expected result.
when it says specified condition is that the normal working condition or is that the condition when its broken?
“Specified Condition” is what you should find when you do the procedure if there is nothing wrong with the car. This isn’t the car’s normal, working condition, though, since the procedure has you turn the power switch off, remove fuses, and disconnect a connector before making the measurements.
I have done everything but no luck. Anyone can help me to troubleshoot P3107-214 on my Prius 2010? Toyota dealer is saying it might take few days , they will charge $120/hr till they find. Any help will be appreciable. I am not sure where to find the pinout to L16 and all. I have located one module under the passenger seat and one under the gear shifter. Please help me. Thanks in advance