After seeing the brake light, abs warning light, and yellow exclamation light come on my dash I took my car to toyota and a friend did some diagnostics for me. He told me that I would have to replace the break actuator assemble and even at his price, it would cost $3,300 for parts and labor. I am not about to pay that much, I would rather sell my car and buy another one. However, if I can somehow confirm that this is the problem and a new actuator would fix, I am confident that I could do the job myself aside from bleeding the brakes because I don’t have techstream. So how can I know for certain that it isn’t something like low break fluid that’s causing the problem, and possible avoid spending over a thousand on a part I don’t really need? They also found an issue with the battery cooling fan which was giving me a p3000 error, and I know that my horn isn’t currently working which will need to be fixed before the car can pass inspection. Is it even worth it to keep the car at this point?
I also heard that it’s best to replace the resistor under the dash as well because it can cause it to break again if it’s faulty? Is that something else I should do?
that can't be much of a friend. call around to dealers for pricing, most are in the $2,000.-2,500. range, and a private mech might be cheaper
I've never heard that. If you buy the new unit, it comes with a new resistor. I think the resistance is marked on the resistor and I haven't seen that different ones have different markings. I also doubt they go bad much. A curious person could measure the resistance of the old one and compare to what it says (but that would have to be done with very good technique, because the resistance is small.) The resistor supplies the low speed of the brake pump. The high speed is supplied by bypassing the resistor. The worst thing I've heard of happening if the resistor isn't right is the pump being noisier. But maybe I haven't heard everything.