I'm starting the process of replacing my front brake pads and rotors. I'm a pretty experienced home mechanic, I've researched it pretty well, have my supplies and tools, and I'm following the HOW TO : Replace front brake pads and discs (rotors) Prius Gen II thread on this forum. I have the 12 volt battery disconnected, and I'm trying to pull the two ABS motor relays from the fuse box. I've searched, and also checked my Haynes manual, but I can't find any information on pulling these out. I've tugged on them with my fingers, but they're in pretty good and won't come out. I certainly don't want to over stress or break anything in there, so I have to ask: Is there a mechanism I need to trip to release them, or do I just pull on them until they come out? Thanks.
Thought this would be answered so quickly. In case anyone else runs across this, I went back out and pulled a bit harder and got them out. No mechanism. On to the brakes.
Once you have the 12V battery removed, there is no need to remove the relays. You would do one or the other. Removing 12V means that there will be a relearning of the fuel trims, the radio presets are gone, and the windows need to be reinitialized. All of which is minor, but is not needed if just the ABS relays are pulled. Brake service
There are tools, relay pullers, that can make it a lot easier. Shops that do such work a lot probably have them on hand. I've always just made do with cussing. Some times it takes a lot though.