Libertyville, IL - At 5:00pm this evening, Tony Schaefer was seen taking possession of a brand new Tideland Pearl 2004 Toyota Prius. At this time, the details are sketchy, but allegedly involve Jeff Potts, the easy-to-work-with sales rep and a large sum of money. According to witnesses, Mr. Schaefer - who is known to have a questionable reputation - approached the dealership in a used Buick Regal. The car denied comment. After sitting at a table inside the dealership, Potts and Schaefer were seen circling the Prius. Schaefer was said to have been constantly referring to papers in his hand. Witnesses reported seeing the words "PriusChat" and "Pre-Delivery Checklist". Luckily, a witness happened to have a camera and snapped this blurry photo of the two attempting to find cover. Schaefer left the dealership smiling, but vowed to return one day. front row, l-r: Tony, Jeff back row: Priapus (editted to update picture web link)
Great post and picture Tony. Congratulations on getting your car. If you are anything like me, the obsession is not going to go away now that you have your car. It continues to grow, or at least stay the same as when you were "patiently" waiting. Keep us posted on your driving impressions as you break-in your new baby. Jeff
OH I *HAVE* to try this... posting a picture of my Prius on it's birthday, which will be ONE Month old tomorrow! That's my excellent salesman, Ray Ujimori of Florin Road Toyota in Sacramento on the left. You can guess who the big smiling goomer is. :mrgreen:
Way to Go Tony...guess the cat on the avator will retire.....know you will enjoy the Prius like all who own them...
Bob, Nina is my new avatar. From nearly day one I was this: [Broken External Image]: But now that there is a Prius there, it's no longer necessary. By the way, more pictures of the greatest cat in the world can be found here. PShady, I haven't seen others post anything like this, but when I picked up my car, my rep, Jeff, said that they take pictures with a Polaroid of every new owner. I took my digital also, so after the other guy used their camera I had him use mine. (Editted to update image link)
Oh yeah, I was going to calcualte that: Hold on, let me get my calcualtor... ok, from February 4 to August 25 is . . . carry the 1 . . square root of 5 . . . arctangent of March . . . compensate for the Time Cube . . . 203 days or 29 weeks, if my math holds.
Thanks! To my ear, that sounds like its in the "average" ballpark wait of 6-8 months, looking at the order tracking reports on this website. Yeah, I know -- there are those who wait less or more time, based on location, where you buy it, and whether you go above MSRP. But 6-8 months seems to be the top of the bell curve, these days. I ordered mine in mid-March, and my current ETA is supposed to be mid-late October. We'll see. (Danny: I need a "praying" emoticon.)
Hey, now them's fight'n words! My cat ( OK, my wife's cat) is the greatest cat in the world! Guess I'll have to get a picture and figure out how to make an avatar now. Congrats on finally receiving the new Prius! I think I'll miss your old avatar more than I'll miss Batavier's I'd borrow your old one while I wait for my Prius because it was very clever. But it wouldn't be accurate. The garage is either 1) so full of stuff, we can't walk through it or 2) In use by the person who has to get the kids out the door for school and therefore doesn't have to scrape ice and brush snow as a partial equalizer for the pain. That would be my wife and she isn't getting MY Prius (after I do) just so it can have a garage to live in.
Great cat pictures Tony. And you are permitted to believe your own cat is the best in the world... And congratulations on getting your Prius. Are you sure you really want to call it Priapus? Dave: 169 days? I waited 9 weeks, give or take a day, paid MSRP plus a $159 documentation fee, and got it from the only Toyota dealer in my city.
well.... I called my dealer on July 21, and I'm picking mine up this Sat. (out of town). Could have picked it up on Monday, when it came in, if it weren't for something called "work." I win? :wink:
Tony, Congrats on the new car. How did your dealing with Libertyville Toyota go? I've received several of my Corollas over the years from them when I lived up in that area. One thing I was considering in doing was putting my name on the list up there. When one came in, it would be time to take a trip up north to visit family and friends. Do you know what the current wait time people are having with that dealer and what packages they are offering. My dealer hear in NC is telling me 18 months and apparently they don't have any of the package 'AM' allotted to them. Nice cat, BTW Dan
At this time, I would not hesitate to tell you to pick up the phone and call Libertyville Toyota (847) 362-9343 and ask for Jeff Potts. First, tell him I said 'hi' and that he should come to this thread and see his picture. Then tell him that I insist that he give you the same outstanding service that he gave me. From day one, he and all the others there waited on me when I needed help. After being on the list for a couple months, my father-in-law was in town and they let us take the test-driving car out, no questions asked. A couple months later I was getting anxious and showed up asking if I could drive it again and they threw me the keys. Jeff gave me regular list movement updates and never gave me false hopes. In fact, he told me to expect the car next year. When I placed the order, Jeff wrote on the order, next to price, "MSRP" and that's exactly what I paid (rebates, taxes, etc, of course). I rue the day that something happens to bitter my taste for Libertyville Toyota. Until that day arrives, I'll send all my friends there and ask that if anyone has negative comments, they not divulge them to me. That said: Daniel, I know that some guys buy bright shiny cars or really fast cars because they are compensating for their deficiencies in other areas. Then there are those of us who are comfortable in our geek-mobiles because we have no need to compensate. Besides, there are people who can say they want a Hummer without giggling; they are the same people who don't get the Priapus joke.
Gratz on the new car, tony! I'm glad I'm not that sales rep... imagine having such a shady type (in a Buick even) coming to the dealership... [face_shock] :wave: