It has 78k miles on it. Got it for $13,300 so below book value. I have just been casually looking for a car for my daughter who recently got her license. I have other cars so I was willing to wait for a good deal. i also own a 2014.5 Camry SE( my other daughter drives this one). a 2016 Highlander limited (my primary car), and a 2018 Rav4 limited (wife’s car) the used car market is still tough but improving I think. I tend to keep cars for a long time so I think I am set on cars for everyone for quite awhile
Welcome back! In 2017, when replacing my wife's 2008 Corolla (she sold it to our daughter who was t-boned in her Honda van...totaled it.) we shopped for a new Toyota and I really wanted her to get an Avalon...she said it was too looked at the Camry, still too big. She spotted a light-green thing so we looked at of them hybrids? She loved it and still does....I was so impressed with the MPGs I got rid of my old Scion iQ for an AWD version...still get 64 mpg if I drive like a grandma...but I usually drive like a bat so getting 55-58. It's very hard to find any used hybrids here in Colorado...lots of gas guzzlers available, though.
While I love new Prius model, I'm more tempted to trade my 2014 Tundra for a 2024 Tacoma...I still miss my 2005 "silver bullet"... (Had to get the V-8 in the Tundra when we bought a bigger camper trailer but, last year, downsized to a smaller trailer so the Taco can pull it.) Oh the turmoil!!