MFD (Multi Function Display) keeps flashing these messages quickly. Seems to happen more during acceleration. Fuel cap is closed. Any ideas?
I checked my 2012 non plug-in manual, it shows all possible MDF display status & their meaning. Those messages don't exist in the manual.
Prius Plug-in cars have a fuel vapor-containment system that didn’t appear on other Prius models until later. The Repair Manual (more info) lists possible trouble areas, under Vehicle Interior: Meter/Gauge/Display: Meter/Gauge System: Problem Symptoms Table, for “‘REFUEL READY’ display malfunction” and “‘PLEASE WAIT NOW OPENING’ display malfunction.” Aside from the combination meter and ECM, the problem could be in a wire harness or connector. For example, an intermittent short could cause the ECM to behave as though the fuel lid opener switch has been pressed. Check the fuel lid opener switch and fuel lid courtesy switch assembly, their wiring, and their respective FUEL and LIDO inputs to the ECM, which you can monitor using the Active Test feature of a Toyota Techstream diagnostic system. If those are all OK, check the fuel lid operation signal output from the ECM (LSTM) to the combination meter (LST1). See the Electrical Wiring Diagram for the circuits and connectors. See the Repair Manual, under 2ZR-FXE Engine Control: SFI System: Terminals of ECM, for more on the LIDO and LSTM inputs and the LSTM→LST1 pulses. If you’re trying to find the Repair Manual on Chilton Library, note that its topics are filed with those for the 2012 Toyota Prius, not the Prius Plug-in.
This message only shows up in the prius plugin model. Were you able to identify the issue. I am having similar issues.