I've been pondering the effects of Prius Prime owners hammering the throttle and firing up the I.C.E. after long periods of battery-only driving. This goes against every best practice rule ever made on how to care for an engine. Imagine this occurring in the dead of winter... Any idea what Toyota might have employed to protect the engine during cold start + hard acceleration maneuvers? A quick Googling indicates the oil pump is mechanical. I personally don't think I'd feel comfortable hammering a prime without an I.C.E. warmup cycle.
The topic has been beaten to death over the past decade, overwhelmingly proven a non-issue. Basically, the plug-in system saves some capacity to allow the engine to warm-up prior to fully engaging. With an OBD-II device, you can see RPM held back during that period. The hybrid system itself also has stress prevention built into it. The pistons are lighter weight and the camshaft is offset. Also, startup (fuel & spark) doesn’t take place until oil pressure is established. For example, this video I captured from long ago you can see the cold engine fire up (just before the 5-minute mark) and be held to 1500 rpm.
Prius Prime is no different than any other car in this respect—do not race a cold engine. When I am driving in the EV mode on the freeway with an ice-cold engine and want to switch to the HV mode, I take my foot off the gas pedal before I press the HV button, and then I drive as gentle as I can with the vehicle speed at 57 mph on the speedometer until the ICE warms up and stops, which should take about a mile or two. From that point on, I drive normally. Using the recommended SAE 0W-16 engine oil also helps.
It's not 1950 anymore. Engines, fuels and lubricants have all advanced considerably. And the proof is in the pudding: people have been driving these PHEVs in low temperatures for years. Toyota hasn't gone broke on warranty fixes and there hasn't been apocalyptic wave of engine failures. You don't have to trust everything modern, but this one has been safe for a while now.
With our 2010 hybrid, for the first few blocks after cold-start, the engine runs at a moderately high idle, and giving gas has no effect on rpm; the motive power is from the hybrid battery. That changes to more normal throttle response, presumably after coolant achieves a certain temp.
That' s the main thing. You might do a "cold start at W.O.G.P." (wide open go pedal), but the go pedal in a Prius is not the throttle. It's not connected to the throttle. It's not even connected to the computer that controls the throttle. The computer it is connected to has a nice conversation with the one that controls the throttle, and if they agree it might be nice to start the engine, the one in control of the engine does that, and decides how much throttle to use.
It also isn't like it's just sat in the car cold in the engine bay. The motor, inverter, and transaxle have been running for miles at that point. Some of that heat does transfer to the engine.
I watched the video and saw where the engine fired up. There was no performance demand on the engine when it did, in fact, speed started decreasing soon after. A little more backstory: I own a classic race car. One of the things everybody agrees on in the performance world, is that when you make more power, things start to break. The new prime is getting in the mid-6 second, 0-60 range. That is a far cry from where it used to be - a "safely anemic" true utility vehicle. I've watched a ton of Prime video reviews, and what I see over and over, is a 0-60 test coinciding with what appears to be a first time ignition of the I.C.E. Not much opportunity for the engine to be "held" at any safe RPM warmup level. It's balls to the wall and right up to 6k or so. I've got to believe Toyota has implemented a complete redesign and bolstering of much of the critical engine components/systems after a 60% power boost or.......
My 2019 does the same. Now imagine the 225HP Prime pulling away in EV mode on a sub-freezing morning with the driver mashing the pedal soon after leaving the garage.
Was that the only one you watched? There are many others where the engine simply fired up during the course of the commute. I simply did haven't time to look through that collection to find exactly what you wanted. Watching 0-60 tests is a different scenario. Basically, if you are dropping the pedal to the floor from a dead stop with SOC almost gone, you are making the choice to risk engine stress. It is easy enough to fire up the engine prior.
I don't know how much conversation can happen in the sub-second moment it takes to press the accelerator to the floor. In some of these 0-60 tests, I swear I can even hear their foot smacking the floor panel.
Much lighter weight oil, with the majority resting in the oil pan. Google says as of 2022, the Prius uses a manual oil pump. 2023 is a whole different beast. You would think some changes have occurred in the lubrication system.
I would do the exact same thing. Give the engine a chance to build a little heat, splash a little oil, before maximum stress scenarios.
In addition to not adding load immediately, these hybrid designs also spin up the ICE and its oil pump BEFORE adding fuel/spark.
Well if the book says don't race the engine... And if you don't race yours... But your comments are based on a youtuber who did race it... ...then that's kind of a weird strawman argument. I wouldn't worry about it unless you're actually trying to launch a youtube channel here.
That's exactly what I'm talking about that makes me nervous. With 40'ish miles of EV range, folks joke about the need to worry about stale gas. I'm envisioning all these full-throttle scenarios, on a hardly used/cold engine.
At CAN rates of a megabit per second, they can have quite a friendly chat in the 13 ms you might need to notice you noticed anything.
I had a Volt for some time between Prius Primes. Being I’m sensitive to cold engine starts, sometimes when going on a trip I would let the engine run gently through a warm up cycle to lessen the shock of an engine not run for two weeks being asked suddenly to perform hard. I don’t think they start gently if power is requested going up a hill, etc. Speed doesn’t drop off. The engine revs it’s … out from cold as far as I can tell. On the first Prime, a 2020 LE, I would hear a little start up rattle after the engine didn’t run for a week or three. The new to me 2020 Limited so far seems tighter, no rattle, but need more time to tell. The new one is a better car I think, no dash rattles, no steering squeak squeak at times like the other one. The Volt had start up rattle too, but none after I switched the filter to one with an anti drain valve. The original came without. I would let it not run for six weeks sometimes. With the power outages this winter I was aware of many neighbor generators. These sit for even years, then start and run at full throttle and load. No one seems concerned and they don’t fail.
You’re thinking it would act differently? If the engine kicked in, I suspect it’d go to fast idle, and hold steady rpm regardless of what the driver does with gas pedal. Until coolant warms some.