I am retiring in 10 more working days (officially 1/7/07). Today was a command group meeting (all Sgts, Lt's, capt's and the Chief) I was on the agenda titled "Final rantings of a soon to be retired Sgt". When it got to me, I began to basically say "thanks for the great years, I hope the dept. keeps up the good work, yada, yada all positive. Slowly, one by one, everyone stood up from the table and walked away. When it became apparent, I just said, "That's all" and shut up. They all came back yukking it up and made like it was some great joke. So, EVEN assuming I am a lousy person and everyone dislikes me...isn't that tremendously rude? It is kinda bugging me and I am wondering if I should have any response at all. My wife thinks it was just a poor attempt at humor. I'm gone in 10 days...why should I care? Give me an outsiders perspective...I would appreciate it. I guess I should be happy this is a closed group and there was no "public" embarassment.
Actually, I'd be flattered. The guys went out of their way to think up, coordinate, and pull off such a prank. They would not have bothered if they didn't like and respect you. If they wanted to dis you, they wouldn't have showed up at all.
I'll vote with the rest here, sounds like a joke. Maybe you could come up with a good parting shot h34r:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tleonhar @ Dec 7 2006, 08:19 PM) [snapback]359142[/snapback]</div> The way you describe it, it appears to be previously coordinated (unless they have been doing the same thing every time you spoke over the years It sounds like a joke, and one which was planned.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Dec 7 2006, 11:44 PM) [snapback]359127[/snapback]</div> They probably went for donuts. Tom
This is a tough one to figure out without knowing the culture of your workplace. I remember working in one prank heavy office where if they pulled a prank on you, that meant that you were one of the guys. Everyone else was pretty much ignored. The fact that they all came back and the agenda item makes it sounds to me like you had a reputation for voicing your opinion, so they felt like poking fun at you because of it. Where this joke failed is that they probably always joked among themselves and never said a thing to you. Being outspoken is not a bad thing, or a reason to dislike someone, but it is something that I've seem people poke fun about. Chances are that one person said "wouldn't it be funny if..." and then everyone else just followed along The fact that it was a closed group also makes me think that it was just a joke.If they wanted to really embarrass you they would have made sure that they did it in front of as many people as possible. And if that's the best thing they could find to poke fun at you for, then no one must have had any serious issues with you. Enjoy your retirement!
I'd also have to weigh in on the joke side here, especially given the humorous "final rantings" title of your agenda item. It sounds like one of those "hey wouldn't it be funny if..." kind of ideas that may not have come off as they wished, but it doesn't sound spiteful to me. Gonna take your Prius on any road trips in your free time?
Sounds like a Frat prank to me. In this case, Fraternal Order of Police. Yep, sometimes boys really don't grow-up. :lol: Did you really expect something different? What part of the first four letters of F.r.a.t.e.r.n.a.l O.r.d.e.r o.f P.o.l.i.c.e don't you understand? Now if this were a formal retirement dinner party with spouses, etc. . . then I could understand your confusion. No, this was just the boys having fun. If they said nothing or did nothing between now and retirement, THAT would be a diss. Enjoy retirement, it can be fun if done right. P.S. Does this now mean you will have the time to challenge eclectcmoi's PriusChat record 10.9 posts per day for all PriusChatters with at least 1,000 posts? You are currently sitting at a paltry 2.5.
Without seeing their body language, their facial expressions, how they treated you afterwards, etc., I cannot give any opinion. Assuming you even wanted my opinion. Did they look happy or angry? Was there appearance of attempt to conceal smiles? Or did they have expression of "I wish he'd just shut up."? Are they normally palsy with you, or stand-offish? Do they speak to you openly about personal issues and/or work problems, or are they just "correct" towards you? All these things would clue you in, but we can't know any of that here.
Schmika, from what little I know of you, I think we are on 2 very different sides of some kind of spectrum, but still I can't help but think you are a very cool person who I'd probably very much like if I met you. It seems like this is something these guys did in fun, and like they say, they wouldn't poke fun at you if they didn't like you. Happy retirement!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MegansPrius @ Dec 8 2006, 02:47 AM) [snapback]359172[/snapback]</div> Wow, thanks for all your replies. I guess the "prank" thing makes sense. When I think back on it, I have always thought some of the "pranks" done by fellow officers were "over the line" of respect. I can think of a few brought up to me to participate in where I said "no, thanks anyway". Why is it bugging me....here I am up at 0530. You are right, always think the best. Daniel, reading your answer (Oh, since it isn't politics or religion....your opinion is as valid as anyones and you have always been a straight shooter....so I pay attention)..where was I..on yeah, your answer...using those points as a matter of reference....it is more obvious that it was a joke...or at least an attempt at one. I guess I have the point of view...and have had it for quite some time, that just because you "do something in humor", does not make it humorous. Having a joke "at the expense" of someone else is not very funny. I was never good at the type of joke that required "seasoning", you know, tell someone they are in some type of trouble, let them stew for awhile, then tell them it was a joke....because I could never get past the intial 3 second shock before I would have to tell them it was a joke. Part of what bugged me was, that with 26 yrs here, and seeing many retire or be fired, I know what LONG term memories come from. THIS will be a long term memory of me and, I don't like it. Anyway, the only "named" item in the PD is a room named for the first Chief. Oh, that is incorrect, we have a magnetic board showing status of all cars and it is called the "Schmidt" Board, with a sign over it and everything. THAT was a result several years ago of a practical joke when I was on a rant about "If we would JUST use the board, we would not have all these problems with knowing what the status of the cars are" The guy who took the time to have the sign put up and mounted was later "voluntarily/involuntarily terminated on a "mental" retirement. (ironic, huh!) If nothing else, this thread enabled me to vent in a more appropriate place than lashing out at either the wife or co-workers. Lastly, maybe it was a lesson in humility. On a good note, one of the Capts said some very nice things about me. He was a sgt. when I was first hired and helped me through the first shaky year I had. OH, to the quoted question. My wife and I love to travel, and, unless it is to a car show, when I drive my convertible, it is the Prius. We are going to Little Rock in May to the International Master Gardener Conference. (It's OK now since the Clinton ban is over....LOL)
You should have a pretty good handle on whether that was a joke or not. What kind of relationship did you have with the department during your time there? Personally, if I were there and I disliked you I still would have given you the courtesy of your presentation. If I liked you, I certainly would have played along with the prank. To me, it sounds like you were part of the gang and they felt comfortable making light of a serious occasion.
I tend to think it was a prank. Last year someone retired and a number of people skipped out on his luncheons to reflect their opinion of his contribution. Absences would be more of a concern.
Schmeek, I'll be blunt: Seems like you're the prudish, ultra-law abiding old guy who doesn't quite see the humor of 'dem youngins.... You're seem like you're one of those old school dudes that has the "bar of acceptable" respect a bit higher than it is in today's age... Good luck Karl!
i don't think that was a diss either. even if the joke didn't play out all that great and wasn't all that funny to you, it says something that they got together beforehand and coordinated something like that. sometimes you have to take the indirect compliment or none at all :lol: best of luck in your retirement, and thanks for your years of service as a police officer- it is a noble profession.
The fact that they have in the past invited you to participate in pranks lends credence to the idea that this was a prank. I agree with you that it was in bad taste. But then I think most pranks are in bad taste, as they are generally based on the theory that it is funny to cause discomfort to someone. Personally, I don't like people who play pranks, and I avoid such people when I can. But it is some (small) consolation to know that it was probably not done out of dislike.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Dec 8 2006, 12:32 PM) [snapback]359276[/snapback]</div> are you actually human? or just a brain in a jar attached to a computer?