How do the CD track names get into the Prius radio? I noticed when I rented one this past weekend when you went to the audio screen it had a CD title and Track name. Can it read those from CD's somehow? I know with a computer it can get it from CDDB, but the Pruis is cool , but not THAT cool. Alpha
The standard is called "CD Text" and is what's used by e.g. home stereo CD players, other car CD players, and XCDRoast. I think a Web search for "CD Text" as a phrase should find you some references (IIRC, the titles etc. are modulated on the p-r subcarriers, but my memory is hazy on this). Try this CD-Text FAQ. It's a shame so few premastered CDs have text, though if you're in the habit of copying your discs so the originals are never left in the car, this is relatively easy to fix during the copying process. It's a pity the FM radio doesn't do the corresponding thing with RadioText. I miss being able to scan through the presets to find out what's on - it's a pain to have to listen for a while before deciding whether to stick with a channel or not.
If you burn the cd on your computer with a program called Nero, it will put the cd text album name and performer, also each song title will be displayed as played. Not all commerical cds have cd text on them even though the newer ones do. Trapperjohn
Tapper, How does Nero get the information? Does it copy from the original or can it use the information I set up on the computer? That is, if the original CD doesn't have the info but I got it from CDDB, will it use the CDDB info to populate the CD text on the duplicate?
If it's anything like XCDRoast, it gets them from the disc if possible, and uses CDDB (or local copy) for non-text discs. And lets you edit them in a gui.