So I've seen plenty of videos on cleaning bus bars but has any one addressed the corrosion on the cell contacts themselves? What do you think?
Yes my 04 battery look like this so all the bus bars nuts went in my daughter's rock tumbler with some special abrasive made by Norton that I bought at a place that sells abrasives just for this this did not come with the rock tumbler I use that to tumble those parts to brand new. Then on the picture you showed I used three small brushes and I also had two brass brushes that came with my Dremel that made relatively short work of that that was with the battery assembled I also cleaned some modules that were disassembled or unracked with a small nozzle from my glass bead cabinet just very quickly run across the front of that connector doesn't hurt the plastic nothing happens also doing it with about 30 lb of air versus like 70 just standing over a container not in the cabinet so most of the glass shards are blowing back into like a bucket work like a champ and was very fast then you have to wipe off those contacts with a wet rag with Mike alcohol or something on it just to pick up any dust from the glass beading.
Hybrid Automotive used to sell a ridiculously overpriced polishing tool you put on a drill... The real challenge no matter how clean you get them is Nimh modules leak the tiniest bit behind that washer-shaped plate, so all the nasty is going to come back quickly in humid areas...
A little work with a brass pen wire brush in my Dremel and looking better. This car spent time in Missouri and Alabama but is now in high desert New Mexico so hopefully the dry air will be good for it. Honestly just want to breathe a little life back into it and sell.