Dr. Prius always shows normal battery temp, until yesterday. Now temps are all off, one shows -500, another shows 250, the third shows normal. However I’m throwing no codes I can see in Dr. Prius, no dash warnings. I was very wet here over the last week and I did drive through it a few times, puddles, I’m guessing something got wet? But no codes?
When you activate the hybrid battery fan through the Dr. Prius App can you hear it running? Do the temp sensors change? Is the ODB sensor loose in the socket? Did you try removing and replacing the ODB Sensor? Reboot the Dr. Prius App? power down your phone then power it back up?
Inspecting the inside of the hybrid battery ECU, as well as the wires that plug into it would be the best place to start... You have several temp sensor on the pack, so it could just be that one of those has gone bad...
Clearly neither of those are correct, and since they are "special numbers" (real measurements are not usually perfect like that) I wouldn't even worry that they are at all meaningful. Running through puddles should not make a difference unless your trunk is maybe literally awash with water. So I would start there - take out the hatch floor and the tray under it, and the little floor triangles on each side, and verify that it is all dry. If it is really wet, dry it carefully, then leave the hatch open to dry it even further. Put a carabiner into the slot where the hatch loop goes - if it is the right size and placed properly it will trip the "hatch closed" switch so that the dome light will go out. Otherwise it might run down the 12V. Once you are sure that everything is dry take the car out for a spin with all of that stuff still out, then after 10 minutes or so stop the car and turn it off. Feel the side of the pack - if it is blazing hot you have a big problem. Most likely it will only feel slightly warm. You don't by any chance have a copy of Techstream and an OBD2 dongle to use with it? Techstream can also read those temperatures and that would let you see if the sensors are wrong or if Dr. Prius is just having a hiccup. I don't recall if Torque or other apps can read those sensors. If they can then there are many bluetooth ODB2 adapters which could be used to gather this data, and presumably you already have one that works or you couldn't run Dr. Prius.
I do have Techstream I’ll check it, of course those numbers are incorrect. My trunk is dry, I’m thinking that the puddle seemed to get something wet but I’m thinking that the Prius can sustain getting wet underneath. I’ll follow up with Techstream
Ernie Dr Prius conjures up beliefs that it's an authority by playing on Americans trust in the medical profession. It's a gimmick. And it's not made by or for Toyota corp USA. If the Money Indicated Light is off then your gimmicky plug in crap... Which it is anyway..... don't take chances plugging crap into your high tech machine. Discard that nonsense and stop buying cheap tricks. Ur gonna catch a Prius disease
My chief Dr Prius gripe is just that it won't show trouble codes from very many ECUs in the car. It is definitely skewed toward showing only battery/hybrid system codes, and only codes from a few other places (which it lumps under "engine codes" if I remember right, even when they aren't from the engine). You need to keep some other app around (you might find one that works with the same dongle) to get other information from the car. There was a time a couple years ago when a bug was found in how Dr. Prius displayed trouble codes, and the author was responsive and pushed out a fixed version, so that was a plus.
I think it started as a pack diagnostic, added a few features, and that's where it more or less stopped. Nothing wrong with that - there are other OBD2 apps for more general diagnostics, or of course Techstream. Better I think that the author spent time developing the LFP pack(s) instead of beefing up the Dr. Prius app.
Follow up, today the battery temp readings are normal and while the engine had developed a hard miss after I went through the (apparently larger than it looked) puddle, that has also abated as it drys out. I did figure out how to force the cooling fan on using Dr. Prius and I can hear it, it is functioning.
I'm not here to help somebody else refine their product. I wouldn't attempt diagnostics without a bi-directional scanner. Why settle for less than OEM?
Your engine shouldn't misfire after going through water. I have to wonder if you have harness connectors unsealed at their sensors
We've got people here who are happy with an official Techstream setup, and don't mind having to feed it $70 every time they need to use it for two days. After all, that price easily beats what you'd pay a dealer to go there and have them use their copy of Techstream to tell you the same stuff. It does, though, have a legendarily clunky payment web site that sometimes gets wedged after taking your money and needs a Monday-thru-Friday 8–5 support call before the activation goes through. So, if you're planning a heavy weekend of diagnostic wizardry, be sure to make that payment Friday before C.O.B. in case you need the phone call. People who work in a shop that just pays the $1360 a year instead don't have to deal with that nickel-dimey stuff. We've got other people here who look at that—either the ongoing expense or the hassle—and say "not for me thanks", and set up an old beater laptop with a bootleg Techstream copy that's had the activation check hacked out, and so instead of the activation expense or hassle, they take on the uncertainty of running somebody's hacked copy of something on their laptop and connecting it to their car, and sometimes dealing with certain features seeming to be missing or broken as collateral damage of the hacking to get around the activation check. We've got other people here who look at both of those options and say "not for me thanks", and wonder where they can get some other tool or app, legitimately and on more favorable terms, that can do much or all of what they're looking to do, and they can find a bunch of those options reviewed here: Gen2 OBD2 app review | PriusChat It takes all kinds.
Possible yes. Although it’s possible water splashed up into the engine bay as well, in any event the symptoms have abated, I have yet to Techstream the engine but I will.
Following up, the codes are PO300, 301,302. Misfire which is also lighting up the cel. The water intrusion likely caused the misfire, and I’m going to pull the plugs as I suspect they’re fouled. I’ve tried driving it hard, reving the engine up which seems to have helped. Prior to this she ran like a top so I’m thinking it must not be too serious.
Did you ever find out what was the issue with the fluctuating temperatures? mine is doing the same thing