My car started getting 34 miles per gallon. There's no overheating light going on but I checked under the hood and my any freeze was almost non existent in the overflow chamber. Is this normal? I. Mean I? Don't understand why I didn't have an overheating light. Go on or some kind of check engine for low radiator fluid. I cannot find any anniversary leaks and if it didn't leak it was over a long period of time like 2 weeks? Maybe. I'm driving a twenty seventeen prius for fully loaded with a hundred and eighteen thousand miles on it. Any help would be greatly appreciated or insight.
The car can only give warnings for things it can detect. It has temperature sensors so it can give overheat warnings, but it doesn't have coolant level sensors. That just depends on the human taking a look now and then. I check my oil on the dipstick when I put fuel in. While the hood is up, I glance at all the fluid levels.
There's a TSB for a coolant leak into the heat exchanger but you may be outside of it by mileage. It effects some early gen 4 model years. There's a cheap work around to bypass the heat exchanger: Related PC thread with TSB info Edit: don't drive with low coolant. By the point the engine gives you a warning serious damage could already have been done
Why would it still be low? That's the kind of thing you should be topping up immediately upon discovery of a deficient condition. When a car with an aluminum engine warns you of overheat, that often means permanent damage already done. Don't wait around for it.
Your ICE coolant should have been changed at 100k, if not before. The corrosion inhibitors are probably depleted and you have developed an internal leak somewhere. At a bare minimum, top the reservoir off with the correct coolant and get the coolants changed. However, the bad news is you are a “day late and a dollar short” (as the saying goes) in regards to preventive maintenance and are paying the price. Sorry. Don’t add insult to injury and keep driving it without getting the correct coolant in there.
I hate to pile-on; but ignoring a know problem - doesn't make it go away. That's magical thinking, and as adults, most of us out grow that. I have meet some mangers that still think that way; they don't last long in my industry....... Get the required/recommended maintenance up to date then go from there. You may have a simple intermittent miss that the computer isn't picking up on - because of bad spark plugs or clogged air filter.
I have been monitoring it. It was fine for about 2 weeks, then low. Caught it, but I need to check more I am using the correct coolant, but not toyota. Using Asian red type. Dealership said it was OK. Oddly the level is not going down and that concerns me as I would have thought running would suck it into the system. At least I did not hear the heater gurgling when I turned it on. You are right. I was hoping to do the coollant change and the spark plugs myself. I believe I can do it, but the problem is getting under the car. For both I am looking at $1000 from the dealership so I Have been putting it off. I prefer to let toyota do it and I am completelly strapped due to medical bills and changes in pay at FUBER. There is nothing better than having a master mechanic service your car. (I also need an alignment.) I may do the spark plugs ($84 at toyota) but I need a torque wrench (How do you know they are accurate if you get it at harbor freight???) And I was going to use antiseize... but many are saying do not use it because it will affect torque-ing... however I am worried what will happen the next change. I also need to clean the injectors... Again... all in all looking at well over $1600 in service fees that I do not have. I can barely afford the next oil change which I only do at toyota. The repair manual does not say anything about using anti-seize. I appreciate all the comments.
It seems quite terrible lately. One of my clients prefers when I use uber to get to the Philadelphia airport. Last ride I took, the guy told me he was getting $48 for the ride, out of the $113 I was paying. Did not make any sense to me. It would likely cost me more than $48 to drive our Prius to the airport, when you total up fuel, insurance and depreciation. Makes me think Uber is only around until they burn out a few more drivers.
The supply of drivers is never ending. Thier latest commercial is about working on your time and not about making money. I used to make great money, but put up with some seriously dangerous stuff and people acting badly. It was OK for the money, but the money is not there like it used to be. Normal hours yield less than $20 an hour gross. I have even seen $10 and my acceptance rating has gone down because I refuse the trips. How about $100 to drive 130 miles away out of state. Have seen 5-6 hours of driving... You cannot pick up out of state so no return pay. Not worth it. I used to make 20-25 for airport runs. Latey it is more like $13-15. Seen pickup and drive times totaling 20 mins for less than $4. But seriously, this is not the place to whine about it. Just know that usually Uber takes %53 of every fare. One poor rating can be devastating and takes months to get rid of. Rate your driver, not Uber. Never do Uber without a dashcam! Drivers are feeling it bad so if you mess with one, and they are feeling beaten down... you may just get the horns. Hopefully it will get better. When I no longer need to be able to leave town for weeks at a time for taking care of family, hopefully i can get back into the workforce.
You can borrow a torque wrench from any large retail auto parts store; just need a credit card. They put a hold on it, if you don't bring back their tool. I hear what your saying about the harbor freight tools; but it's better than stripping out the spark plug treads. BTW; I'm in the use anti-seize camp. That plug is going to be in there for 100K+ miles. I don't want to pull the entire head to try to get it out, the next time around. While the critics say that the aluminum head will keep it from seizing, I'm not that confident in that argument; besides they aren't the one that has to do the work or pay the bill. Just saying.... As far as the injectors, just dump some additive into the gas tank, and call it a day. Hope this helps......
A decent Chinese 1/4” drive torque wrench will set you back maybe $30, on sale. Attached is a non-sale price (CDN $’s) from KMS tools. I got that one a few years back, IIRC sale priced for $30 CDN. I have a 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2, all cheapies. I tested all 3 a few years back, and they all clicked around the same.
I spoke with the guy who took my car in for service. He said: My car (2017 Prius 4) does not have a TSB on the heat excahnger. He says the one you mentioned is for an earlier model. The only thing the mechanic can think of is for something at the exhaust that heats the coolant for colder days on start. This is the reason it rarely drinks/loses coolant. I thought that this was the heat exchanger. (so it only loses when it is activated...) I suspect that I am being totally BS'd on this... as I was asking if Toyota would help me out because of the TSB and the known issue. It would not be the first time... (and they were doing so well for several years.) I prefer to get all my work there... but... I have found a supposedly EXCELLENT independent Prius Mechanic... bout 40-50 mins from me. He is offering the replacement of the exchanger for $1265 I have no idea what Toyota wants. I guess me and my GF will not be eating for a month or two when this bill comes to roost. Doubting there will be a recall. Hoping to get a coolant replacement next week @ $182. I simply have no where to do it and no way to get under the car. (except to park it on a curb.) I will be checking the exhaust for vapor and water and the fluid levels every day... Which sucks. Update: Found it T-SB-0135-19 at hXXps:// (replace XX with tt) or MC-10166037-9999.pdf ( Yep, getting totally BS'd!
Slower warm-ups and maybe a little less cabin heat. It would be a big deal to somebody using one of these for short commutes. But if you're driving all day, the fuel penalty lost to slow warm up is going to be very small.