... better watch out: https://www.itv.com/news/central/2023-05-11/drug-which-makes-people-climb-buildings-could-be-made-class-a People who take this stuff, can crush your head - ~ Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile ///////////////
Essential Cookies ON These are necessary for the site to work. Without these cookies, we can’t provide you with our core functionalities and services such as login and security, and help to improve the user experience. Do what??? Login and security??? Core Functionality??? (profit by selling PII) I backed out and 'wiped my feet' @ "crush my head".... Perhaps.....'but they ain't bullet proof!' Devotees of Crank, K2, Tranq, et al... usually find their way to a bad end, unfortunately. Since evil-doers get to decide on when things go turbo, it's always wise for society to think about this kind of stuff 'left of bang.' PERHAPS if we stopped searching for 'diet-pill' solutions to mental health care crisis events, then we could begin to move the needles on stuff like this - real world. @ MONKEY DUST? Seems like click-bait to me..... HOWEVER (comma!!!!) There's a reason that click-bait....IS.
When I worked in Hong Kong, I had a very nice American colleague called Janice. We went to the pub one night after work with a few Chinese, British, German and Japanese friends. Beers were had, and the conversation developed as it usually would. Eventually, Janice said, "You know how they say the Inuit have 50 words for snow?" "Yes," I said. And Janice said, "And that's because so much of their life revolves around snow, and snow really dominates every aspect of their life? It's basically just snow, every day." "Yes...." I said. "Well, you Brits sure have a lot of words for masturbation."