My beatup 2007 prius has P1151 It seems that coolant heat storage water pump stop working. I find that my car fuel economy decrease by 10% Water pump costs $116US, plus some tool $15 = $131 DIY Anyone have experience about this? Is it worth to fix it? Cam I use other other car coolant water pump which is only $25US only?
Could be that your pump has failed. Or maybe there's a problem with the wiring to the pump. Or maybe the relay that controls the pump is bad. Might consider looking up the diagnostic procedure for P1151 in the factory service manual. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Here is the workup for DTC P1151 : @Tombukt2 mentioned doing such (has used a scooter pump, washer pump, etc), at least once (first link below), but I never found the model # or a direct link for such. Has also used this same replacement pump for the inverter coolant pump as well (more examples below). Constant Inverter Clicking / Buzzing Noise when car in 'ready' mode | PriusChat Question Regarding Spare Parts | PriusChat Causes for P0A93 other than the coolant pump? | PriusChat Just purchased an inverter coolant pump, how to tell if OEM? | PriusChat What are your thoughts on this part number for the inverter coolant pump: 04000-32528? | PriusChat
Okay on the '04 to '06 first iteration of the generation 2 between the brake actuator and the brake master cylinder what your pedals actually connected to there is a small pump in between those two pieces just behind the inverter It looks like a little spa circulation pump commonly called the tiny mite You can look this up online just to see what it looks like I took that pump and use that as an inverter pump in my car which is an '07 to '09 type that same pump could be applied to the coolant recovery tank in the fender well The two pumps the one I used and the one for the coolant recovery tank the coolant recovery tank pump is marked 12 volt The pump in between the brake parts behind the inverter is marked 14.1 or 14 volts I tried the 12 volt pump is an inverter pump uses a similar plug and all It's just backwards male and female versus the original inverter pump. The 12 volt pump failed almost immediately I don't know if it was because of age or what then I tried the 14 volt pump for my inverter and it's been there over a year success in my world. I'm not sure why the two pumps exactly the same side by side two different part numbers but one is 14 volt and one is 12 really weird.
I would check to see that when the car is essentially warmed up are you getting power to the plug that powers the coolant tank pump If there has been a mild accident or something flew off a tire damage the fender liner you could just have some damage wiring going to the pump fix that and the pump works I don't think I've ever seen this pump bad I've heard people having this code but I never see what they do find the plug that's damaged the wire this damage change the whole pump the thread never seems to make it that far something goes away and they find something else whatever. So first I would see with the car reasonably warm am I getting power to the plug that powers that pump or do I see why I'm not That's the first thing to look at a broken fender liner etc it would be a dead giveaway