I just visited my local Toyota dealer and saw a 2023 in person. I love it and want one. I told the salesman that I will wait for the Prime and he told me its going to be a long wait. He said it may even be impossible. He sounded genuine and not a scaring tactic to convince me to buy the non-Prime now. He said they only received two Primes last year as the Primes are mainly allocated to dealers in California. I am in Miami. What are your thoughts on this?
Was just at dealer getting 25000 mile check and to my surprise there was a BZ4X on the show room floor and the salesperson advised they have had 3 Prius (non Prime ) delivered and they still had one waiting delivery.He let me look at it and it was really nice.I liked everything about it.I also got a chance to get up close and personal with the BZ4X.What a really gorgeous vehicle.It was an all wheel drive.I also had a talk with the dealer about the Prime.I was advised that they will only get 2 or 3 a year.I live in St.Louis MO..I had to order the 2021 Prime the wife and I have.Looks like it is going to be the same way this year.
Plug ins generally get rolled out to CARB and ZEV states first. Then the distributor for your state has been unwelcoming of the Primes. Many buyers of the gen4 model went outside the South to the Northeast for better selection and deals. Something to look into if you are serious about buying.
I am definitely serious about buying. If my dealer had a prime limited in stock today, I would have driven home. How far north should I go?
Get out of the Gulf States and Southeast regions. You'll probably have better luck with a CARB state at this time.
northeast. maryland did pretty well with primes in the past iirc, and simple out of state sales processing
So far I have called about 4 separate XSE Premiums and although they are all "In Transit" they have also already been "Sold". These are from dealers in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. So, the odds of finding anything actually on a lot somewhere I would say are between slim and none. I have also confirmed that SET will not be allocated any Primes and they cannot even "Special" order them. This is from Toyota of North Charlotte and others in the area, at least for 2023 and most likely 2024 as well with the limited availability. I would imagine GST is the same. So, if you are looking for a Prime ... GOOD LUCK!!!! Happy driving everyone.
I appreciate all the great information. I don't need to see one on the lot. I am willing to order one and wait for it. I have contacted several Toyota dealers so lets see if I get lucky.
I got lucky..last Friday I was viewing the No Markup Toyota Group on FaceBook, and a NE Toyota sales rep listed 2 allocated 2023 Prime XSE's, a black and a Blueprint Blue. Only 56 minutes after posting, the black one was already gone, which was fine with me. I reached out and reserved the Blueprint Blue. Looking at most likely end of June or mid-July. Being from the Midwest, we've got virtually no chance for a new Prime. Back in 2020, I bought my 2020 Prius Prime at a MD dealership and drove it back.
A Toyota dealer I left my contact information for the 2023 Prius Prime availability sent me a message with the subject line "Prius Prime Now In Stock". The message read: . I was very surprised at first and got excited but quickly became very suspicious. Clicking the link provided in the message revealed: Yeah, I am NOT going to pay $35K for a 6-year-old PP. BTW, I bought a 2017 PP Premium, for a total cost of ~$19K 6 years ago. LOL
Well, with all the "market adjustments" I saw for the Prime, I decided to go with the non-Prime Limited. My local dealer called me yesterday stating he received a Limited in White. Went this morning and picked it up.
Why do you want a PRIME - I don't care about your answer- but there are only 70,000 2023 hybrids sent to the US so far, and they make the Prius in one Toyota plant in Japan. They know its value and they sell there like crazy. Electric energy is not Clean energy yet, and do you want to be stuck with only electric? or would you like knowing you could have 10 gallons of gas, and can go 500 miles, and never plug anything in- the kinetic energy in the braking system recharges the lithium ion battery. So do what you want but you will have a long wait for a 2023 Prius, I happened to buy mine before it arrived in March. and there are some out there 70,000 in the US. Again - think about what you want.
prime is a regular prius with about 40 miles of ev. it will travel about as far as the regular prius. some parts of the us have clean energy, or no dirtier than gas. 70,000 hybrids, or 70,000 prius?
Hm. No point in talking to you then. For other people interested in the Prime, well, guess you may want to consider what your daily commute is, what your electrical rate is, how your area generates electricity, and whether your local govts offer any incentives or rebates. For myself, the points in my 2nd paragraph make a Prime well worth considering.