I've got a 2018 regular non prime and driving over 100 miles a day and working a job where I use my hands alot gets taxing and hurts my hands. I was reading about comma.ai comma 3. All I care about is the steering. I don't need traffic detection, stoplights and such just steering white cruise is set. Car has distance and minor steering asist by default but not hands free. Will it do that? Will it work with the non adaptive cruise? Like times when car gets dirty in bad weather and adaptive wont work. Once it's installed how does it work? Is it open source software you can get from forums like most ecm software tuners do? I see people talk about putting it in the car and using it but don't say how it actually works. Before I drop 2k I'd like to know exactly what I'm doing.
If you really think that not touching the steering wheel AT ALL while cruising will solve your problem...... I think that is evidence enough that you don't know what you are doing. Sorry. Honest opinion. Regardless of what car I'm driving, two fingers on one hand touching the wheel is enough while in cruise. Vary the position where you touch the wheel. Change hands. Do stretching exercises with the unused hand. The device you are talking about might even be ILLEGAL to use. If not, it should be.
Yes it will do what you want. There are tons of youtube vids showing it in operation including in the Prime. For commuters and travelers, this system works very well and is truly plugnplay installation. For someone driving 25,000/yr, this is a great bang-4-buck purchase. They do run sales sometimes. Also, disregard the ignorance. Although anything can be abused, these systems reduce the driver's workload, makes it more relaxing/less stressful, and allows the driver to pay MORE attention to the road. Unfortunately, OEM's are making it harder to reverse-engineer their systems so ATM we can't add OP to our Sienna hybrid.
Sounds like your job is requiring more than your body is able to offer... This is a medical & occupational issue, not a fix it with technology issue. Only thing less safe than AI driving your car is hands that hurt too much to safely use a steering wheel. Hope you get some help so you're no longer in pain and can safely drive without pain again.
When I work locally this isn't an issue so it's not a big medical issue. My local dealers aren't that great so I have to drive to a bigger town. Wife won't move. I'm simply asking if the comma can manage the steering asist or not
The Comma 3 has its own cameras for guidance. It interfaces with car's software to use the existing throttle and steering controls. It might see better than the car in some cases, but what the Comma provides in more processing power and better software to make better use of the ADAS controls already in place on the car. Can't say if it is truly hands free. From reports, it works well enough to be hands free in the same manner as Tesla's Autopilot and FSD. I'm guess it does not disable the car's driver monitoring, so you'd have to keep your hands on the wheel to satisfy the sensor. Being open source, maybe a user has circumvented that. The 3 does have an inward looking camera that can watch the driver. Does the car not have adaptive cruise control, or is the adaptive function simply turned off in settings? If not the latter, you might lose auto braking to let the openpilot ACC work. "y default, this car will use the stock Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) for longitudinal control. If the Driver Support Unit (DSU) is disconnected, openpilot ACC will replace stock ACC. NOTE: disconnecting the DSU disables Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB)." - openpilot/CARS.md at master · commaai/openpilot · GitHub You should get better answers to these questions from an openpilot forum.