Hello, Anybody know if any auto glass manufacturers make Double Pane Windows for Gen 3 Prius? Buying a 2015 Prius Two, and wanted to see what the cost would be to have the 4 windows replaced with Double Pane glass. I did some searching online and find regular windows everywhere, but no mention of double pane. Goal is to just add extra sound dampening. Thanks!
Double pane glass is for houses not cars... As in the most important part of auto glass is that if you're in an accident the "safety glass" shatters into small sharp pebbles that will definitely cut/scratch you up but it won't slit your throat... Also you wouldn't be able to roll your windows down if the windows are too thick. One thing you could try though is window tint on both the inside and the outside... Perhaps someone makes sound dampening window tint?
Automotive doppelverglasung seems to be a thing, at least if your wallet is deep enough. Sounds like the windows are thicker, unsurprisingly, and doors made for them might be dimensioned accordingly, which doesn't sound so promising for easy retrofits. Shown in a Lexus from 9 years ago, so maybe not even such a new thing: So a person could go to the Lexus parts site and look up the glass window part numbers for single or double, and see if those go with different door part numbers. Or maybe just different window regulators or track parts or whatnot.
Also bullet proof vehicle makers would have some options if you're rich enough to spend a million dollars on a car...
I actually had a company called Alpine Amoring give me a qoute on my 89' Jeep Cherokee and they said it would be $500,000 to fully suit it up, including the actual doors not just windows.
Might be a worthwhile investment considering all the active shooters waiting for any opportunity these days! As in this is an excerpt from a post I did on NextDoor.com today: "...there's been similar but way more dangerous escalations elsewhere in the past week. A boy who got the wrong address and was shot for ringing a doorbell, a small child playing with a basketball that rolled into someone's yard and her and her dad were shot, a group of teenagers looking for a party had one of them, Kaylin, shot and killed for turning into the wrong driveway even though they never even got out of the car and were backing up to leave, 2 cheerleaders accidentally tried to get in the wrong car and opened the door and quickly shut it were shot after they they tried to apologize to the driver who rolled down the window. All these issues happened in the past week and are covered here:"
What you're talking about is laminated windows (like the windshield). A lot of manufacturers do that nowadays for noise reduction, but it comes at the cost of safety... If you crash, you can't easily break them to get out of the car, so if the car is on fire or underwater and the doors can't open, good luck. You're better off with soundproofing the car, but that's just me.
All you Trumpers have broken far more car windows and our nation's capitol windows than people who are peacefully protesting because racism is so out of control that the murdering by cops won't stop and right wing hate tries to claim speaking up for equality is an act of terrorism.
Plus 1 on Kilmatz... I did one on my Prii and it made a much nicer, quieter ride. I used 2 boxes of the thicker .80 size and a roller. Took about 8 hours but my wife was very happy on her commute. Someday I'll do mine.