I have over last year been hearing the abs pump cycling more and more often. Threw the c1391 (I think)code a day ago. The brakes were fine except that they needed bled a tad, Of course antiskid, brake, and abs lights were on. It takes only a tad more pressure to stop. I have a 2002 the Brake booster that went out and it required a lot more pressure to stop and I think I rem MPG was lower. I replaced it with used and it is doing fine albeit needs a traction battery now. How long, and what consequences would be if I did not change the ABS accumulator and pump soon?. I should be able to do this as I have watched maybe a dozen YT vids on it and nothing unusual. I have remanned the traction battery in the 2002 maybe 6-7 times, replaced bearings and ABS. I have and old laptop that may or may not run as well as the renegade Techstream software. I do have a friend who has a shop 1/2 mile from here that can bleed the brakes and I will have him replace the brake pads as i am sure they need it with 267K miles showing.I could opt for now just getting 38 modules of a gen 2 pack and getting it back on the road and just taking time fixing the 2010. The real complication is wife is on hospice, and has been on it a year and a half with a severe rare form of Alzheimer's where she cannot communicate (can't understand anything I say nor can I understand anything she says...mostly visual now and I am her only caregiver 24-7.
length of time cannot be determined. eventually, you'll need your full wait to come to an unassisted stop. i would leave plenty of distance in front of me, and drive as slowly as safety will allow
A crash in your 2010 that hurts innocent people and possibly yourself. Brakes that suddenly go to failsafe mode will not be as effective and the normal safe and easy braking can become very hard, less effective and make you responsible for a wreck.
Both answer , so far, is more or less the way I felt. Not sure if I want to tackle the abs...but if I do, should be able to do it I feel more confortable pulling the battey on my 2002. , charging the cells and see if it will start. Last time it died I smelled some electrical smoke...which may indicate it needs a computer module in the traction battery I may have found some funds that could get the parts for the 2010 ...and if so will just go ahead and fix it. If not, I'll start on the 2002 and look for a gen 2 pack and 10 more modules as the gen 1 pack thats in it is flat out worn out and I will never be able to find decent modules for it
In reality, I liked driving the 2002 on my route more than the 2010. The 2010 has a much lower air dam and road clearance as well as a lot rougher riding. It gets about 49-51 mpg on the route...but the 2002 got a reliable 45... May just get em both running like I had them before.