I think the only way to get different user name yourself is to register again with a different email address. Otherwise, it's like the reverse beep, talk to the dealer..errr, PM a moderator or the board admin and see if they can do it.
Okay, here's how it works: 1. Start your car into IG-ON, not into READY mode. 2. Switch your odometer to ODO. Not Trip1or Trip2. 3. Turn off your car. 4. Start your car into IG-ON again. 5. Within 5 seconds, press the [menu] button and then [volume]. 6. Pump the gas pedal three times at one second intervals. 7. Press and hold the brake pedal for exactly seven seconds. 8. Hurl the Holy Handgrenade at thine enemies. 9. Power off your car. 10. Question why you've done any of these things.
I was making a joke. Apparently you have never read the sequences required to user-config settings in your Prius. Since you haven't told me what to change it to and have a poor sense of humor, I'll pick a new name for you. You're welcome.
TPS - sorry for being a dumbass... I'm having (yes bisco) badtimes! Thx for not teaming up on me and beating this dead horse.....
Ahhh no worries bisco... I actually got a good laugh out of that... Why Squiggy??? But, so far I'm leaning towards GoneFishg...
I went with "Squiggy" because it sounds funny. Do you want GoneFishg? Is that a typo or did you mean to leave out the "in"? We've had requests in the past to "temporary" change usernames and we frown on that. In an attempt to maintain historical accuracy and avoid confusion we really want to reduce the amount of name changes. So once you confirm your new name that's what it will be.