Hi , having a Canadian model where Metric system is utilized , Ido not understand the utility of displaying KW/100KM . I did not find how to change the scale to KW/KM. In the US models the scale is KW/miles . Knowing that 100KM equates to approx 62.5 miles the bargraph is stuck to the top unless the car is slowing or stoping..The computer seems to calculate the power consumption for a distance exceeding the battery capacity. Humm comments are welcome
Yep, that is a design error for the software conversion display. AFAIK, you are stuck with the scale if you keep it on the metric system. The US display is miles/kWh not kWh/miles.
Thank you for your comment. At least now I know that i'm not going nuts reading the manual.I will forget that scale because I will keep it in the metric system because road sign indicating speed and distances are in metric in Canada
Just to add to what I commented. Here is an old thread on this topic. It has been this way since the inception of PP. Sadly, i doubt that Toyota has any intention to fix this. Energy consumption chart has a bad scale | PriusChat Somewhat related to this problem. Even though the chart and fuel data and distance can be switched between miles to km, as it turns out the temperature display is fixed to the region. Canadian models display C but the US models are fixed in F. Unchangeable.
Hi again , just to add to what i commented , the energy monitor is correct when the car is in HV mode , the scale being in litre/100km, so I think the software was originally intended for hv, before the prime was produced, ...Toyota did not seriously look at the implications of the EV metering , even the manual shows the display in EV clipping at the top of the bargraph. Garbage in......Garbage out....that being said I do love that car
Yeah, that is one of the MID displays I almost never use. I really don't understand the utility of a "moving bar graph" for every 1 min or 5 min for either mile/kWh or MPG. I display instant MPG or miles/kWh on my split screen to monitor how I am doing on efficiency. The data for the 1-mile or 5-mile interval just does not seems to be something I can use. How do people use this screen say to improve or monitor the efficiency?
Yes you are correct by using split screen for guidance on efficiency.EV and HV info ......because you live in the US ,for Canada and most european contry using Metric system it'only in HV mode that it is usefull. MID display with moving bar graph for every 1 min or 5 min ...is a bad videogame on drugs. Just wandering if the UK prius uses miles per Imperial gallon in it's split screen
This bug has irritated me since I bought my PP three years ago. It's in other places in the gauges, such as the instantaneous electrical consumption meter to the right of the speedometer. I filed a report with my local Toyota dealer, which was passed up to Toyota Canada. The response basically was "it's performing as designed," (which elicited silence and a blinking stare on my part) and unless a lot more people file bug reports (for what is basically broken gauges) it won't be fixed. Which is frustrating as this bug never should have made it into production, and the fix ought to be rather straightforward.
just sifted thru the Prime 2023 manual and guess what .... , Toyota Canada printed the scale to mesure EV current electricty usage in miles/KW.......not very useful in Canada, so if this a misprint imported from the US manual ,I hope that they corrected the absurd KW/100KM scale , that is useless since the car uses around 15KW/100KM and the meter as a max scale of 10KW/100KM
What page are you looking at? Page 620 says possible units are km/kWh and km/kWh, which I hope is a typo. On the subject of units, here's a thought experiment that illustrates the problem of measuring "per gallon" or "per kWh": Which is the bigger improvement: upgrading from a car that gives 10 mpg to one that gives 20 mpg, or going from a car that gives 20 mpg to 40 mpg? (hint: check how much will it save you if you drive 100 miles, or over a year driving 10,000 miles).
Here's is an another thought .....it depens where you live and how rich you are and what car you drive in a nutshell a bigger improvement when upgrading a car is the pleasure of ownership and the pleasure of driving. My best friend upgraded to a german SUV with a twin turbo V8 and he is happy when the turbo sings,me i'm happy when my prime runs in EV mode , in one month he burns the same amount of gas, than i burn in one year.....