Anyone noticed something similar on their tail lights? What's strange is its on the inside of the light. And there's no cracks or damage to the lights. The lights never get moisture in them after rain etc. This is the worse of the 2 lights. The other still has some of this white stuff in it though.
Looking at used ones on eBay and some have the same white marks on the inside. Im guessing an early defect. GENUINE OEM | 2016 - 2018 Toyota Prius Outer Tail Light (Right/Passenger) | eBay
My guess would be water spots. Looks like a crack or a seam might be the problem. I noticed it first here, but then saw it on the 1st picture, too. My wife is out right now with her 2017, so I can't compare.
That is a seam that runs the entire length. Id normally suspect a crack, but to happen to ALL 4 tail lights and to be as white as paint? Very strange indeed.
Strange indeed. I looked just now at my wife's tail lights and I see the seam. She has a slight watermark at the bottom left corner of the left upper light.
Yeah i always had a very slight something, but then one day its full blown white paint looking. After seeing used tail lights on ebay with the same issue its obviously a more widespread issue than just me. Oh well, sees got over 100K on her so the lights will stay. Before covid you could get a new light for about 50 bucks but now theyre 100 so ill live with it
My 2016 is just starting to show these marks and it’s new from this winter. Any idea how to fix or is this a replace the lens?
Assuming that the problem is occurring from the inside of the lens, therefore NOT related to anything the owner could or could have done, that would potentially make it a serious safety defect and hazard. I would suggest a visit with your dealership and emphasizing that aspect regardless of warranty status. And I am not one to jump on that bandwagon in most cases. It appears as though the lens is degrading from the inside out, so blaming environmental factors won’t work for this one.
Hello! Mine is the same way. This random white stuff got into the tail light. Recently one of the taillights, from night to day got 3x more dirty. Did anyone find a fix to do at home? Here in Brazil there are people that remove the lens to clean the inside. When I do it I’ll share it here. the first picture is from today, looks horrible. The picture that looks cleaner is literally from yesterday.
Yep, I have the same exact thing happen to my taillights. All four taillights have it to some extent but my passenger top taillight had it the worst. It isn’t really noticeable on the others unless you really look closely, I decided to replace the top passenger light using an OEM taillight for about $140 for the part and I did the install myself (easy). The part number on the replacement taillight was different and I believe that would indicate a redesigned the original part, hopefully to prevent this issue from reoccurring. There is no indication of cracking or damaged to the removed light. My guess would be a seam failure that allows a tiny amount of moisture in.