I am hearing from some members of the Facebook Prius Group that Priuses now arriving into the NY/NJ port from Japan are being placed on a Quality Control hold until at least until April 21. Anybody have any knowledge or scoop on this? Is it true? If so, what is behind to hold?
mine seemed to slip thru ! but no known issues yet. I did get a true 55 MPH highway driving on a recent trip
I have no clue what is happening with mine. The dealer got the allocation on 3/1 and there’s been radio silence from Toyota’s end ever since. Can’t even track the VIN on toyota-tracker.com
Hey! can you share the Prius group link? I have my car coming in but got no clue how to track it like this.
A freight hold usually refers to an issue is processing through customs. Error in the paperwork or the freight selected for additional inspection. The QC could have been added to make it sound a more benign issue, or Toyota is doing the hold for some reason. Maybe waiting for floor mats.
Just discovered that my XLE is, indeed, in QC at port. Been on hold since 3/15. Just heard back from my sales rep that it should be released soon and things should get moving again.
After a quick google search, a 30-day QC hold doesn’t seem all that uncommon with Toyota vehicles. Hoping it gets moving soon.
Yeah, but what the heck is the "port" doing, for a month? Those cars roll out of the factory ready for the street.
I attached the image my sales rep sent today (sorry about quality). It just says “under study”, so your guess is as good as mine.
Logic suggests that Toyota would have people at the port inspect all cars coming off the ships to make sure there was no damage from the time the car left the factory to the time it rolled off the ship. If they find something a little wrong(I'm thinking scratches in the paint, maybe a car throws a code on arrival), they would set aside the car to be addressed by a Toyota team at the port that handles nothing but those cases. If they're short handed or overwhelmed after a bad batch of cars(or even if your car just happens to be the last one on the list from that ship), I could see it taking quite awhile. If I were Toyota, I would want just enough staffing to finish one batch of held cars just before the next shipment arrived. But I have absolutely no knowledge of how Toyota actually operates. I'm just thinking this would be a logical system for a brand whose reputation is built on quality and reliability.
haven't there always been port installed options? normally, you would expect cars to get their qc a truck load at a time and off they go. idk if that's true, but the way they are trickling in off the boat, it does seem odd
I thought that was the dealership's responsibility, namely the Pre-Delivery Inspection. that you pay through the nose for. And they mostly "mail it in", turn vehicles over to customers with tires at max sidewall, temp spares at 40 psi, dead 12 volt batteries, and those locking pin hole plugs still sitting in the glove box. I can't see Toyota corporate spending a cent more than needed at the port.
Could easily be just paperwork. There could also be issues on the port side. They are still seeing issues in labor shortages.