i don't understand the science. how can it matter to your health what 'hour' the sun comes up or goes down? you het the amount of sunlight you get, the cock can't change that. and humans don't operate on sunlight and circadian rhythms anymore, they operate by the clock.
Science Says: How daylight saving time affects health | The Seattle Times Permanent Daylight Saving Time will hurt our health, experts say | CNN Speak for yourself. Not everyone is a cave-dwelling couch potato or office rat, both of which commonly bring health problems.
but i would say most are. who gets up and goes to bed with the sun when there is only an 8 hour day? most of those studies sound like nonsense or are overblown, and much of the effects are caused by 'time changes', not dst.
1. Some items are not programmed for daylight saving time. 2. Some items are programmed but weren’t updated with the new dates. 3. Atomic clocks supposedly are no longer supported…I hear they stopped broadcasting the synchronization signal as more and more devices synchronize over the internet.
There was a proposal to de-fund it in 2019, but that didn't happen. Funding was preserved. Our "atomic" clocks are still getting the radio signal they need to function. I know, I have one. So does dad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WWV_(radio_station)#Time_signal_transmissions
... would more logically be termed radio-controlled clocks, as far as the consumer product, The very accurate clocks on which the radio signal is based are another matter.
Ah, you forgot the tossing of salt over your left shoulder and a walk around your chair counterclockwise three times. If that doesn't get it, try it again and follow with a hearty "Boo-Yah!" In other more meaningful thoughts, you are up there near the auroral circle which has been rather active of late. There may have been a SW radio fade at the precise time the synchronizing signal was sent or some other such interruption. Lucky for me I live in the Arizona time zone where nothing much ever changes, especially time.
Weird you say that Kris I recently bought 2 Atomic clocks on Amazon months back and DST switch on and both did not change.
It has been a month since the time change. Have your clocks caught up yet? I have found it not unusual for ours to not catch on the time change the first night. When that happens, they usually catch up the second night.
My clock is JALL -- a wooden clock from Amazon for $20. I swear and family says I am right, that this clock did the automatic time change thing in years past -- we have had it for three years. But, maybe we are wrong as I poked around and the seller says in a statement that it DOES NOT auto change. And, it had not, so two weeks ago, I finally gave in and and reset it myself. Why did I wait so long? Because the instructions on how to make any changes to the clock were written so as they are very, very difficult for me to follow. I am not the only one that has that complaint, based on reviews. Anyway, I got the time changed a couple of weeks ago, but somehow I have it so that it alternates every few seconds from showing the time and temp and RH to showing the month, day and year. I don't want to see the date, but it took me forever just to get the time right and I dread trying again, although maybe you folks have spurred me to give it a shot. I really like it otherwise. Biggest complaint I have seen, other than directions: IT's too bright. It has three brightness levels and I have it at the lowest -- but my spouse says it is still too bright...It does not bother me, but.... Oh, my cordless phones never changed either, but they were easy to reset. The other alarm clock, well, it's in a guest bedroom and I unplugged it, so,,,, Kris
That's cool. And it just looks like a wood block when it's off? I think I'd want to keep it on the "only sound activated" setting, to be able to watch the time appear on a wood block. I've long wondered what kind of weird name generator these marketplace sellers use. Looks like pretty much the same products as "JALL" can be found as "ANJANK" or "MOSITO" or "ANDOOLEX". I mean, do these words mean something in somebody's language, or is somebody just turning a crank and producing random syllables?
Yeah, if you have it sound only, it just looks like a wooden block. I remember setting it for sound only a year or two ago, but then decided I wanted it on all the time. I am pretty sure it is a wooden block as it sure as heck seems to be -- if not -- it is the best fake wood I ever saw. Again, love the looks of it, love the temp and RH-- it is the instructions that are .... There are even YouTube vids on how to set it, but even then... kris
I'm pretty sure they've just CNC milled the wood from behind so thin in those digit areas that light will pass through. In one of the photos at amazon, you see a bit of wood grain in the glowing digits. I wonder what their reject rate is, blocks that wind up with flaws on the visible side after the milling. Maybe safer to do the milling from behind first, then just uniformly sand the face down to the right thickness.
O.K. Two months have passed and I finally got my Jall clock to only display the time, temp and relative humidity. Before my change it was showing year, day of week and day of month, alternating every few seconds with time, temp and humidity. Husband still says it is too bright. I do not mind it -- it has three bright levels -- but his is a common internet complaint. So I set it at lowest bright, but... The adjustments actually were not that tough once I found the correct YouTube vid. Still love the clock and starting to understand the directions. Kris
Some handkerchiefs or other thin darker fabrics have helped us dim too-bright clocks without making them unreadable.
I have an aftermarket lighted dash switch I added, where the LEDs are (a) a bit too bright, and (b) the wrong shade of green. I've been cooking up a plan to mix some clear plasti-dip and a bit of blue pigment, and take the switch apart and dip the LEDs. But it never works its way to the top of the to-do list.