Hello, Just purchased my first Prius, a 2016 Three Touring. I’m confused by the fact that there isn’t a Lane Departure Assist button or a button for Dynamic Cruise control on the steering wheel. Toyota site does say it is a Three Touring when I search the VIN. I thought these were standard on this vehicle, any insights? Thanks!
I had a 2016 Prius 3 (not Touring) and the functions are there, just not on the steering wheel. Those settings are in the settings menus. Read your user manual. JeffD
Thanks for the reply Jeff. Read the manual and searched high and low for a way to change the follow distance of dynamic cruise without a steering wheel button and came up empty. Can make changes to LDA through settings. Were you able to change the follow distance without a steering wheel button?
Sorry, I had steering wheel control of following distance in my 2016 and also in my 2020 AWDe so I never had to read that portion of the user manual. There is a digital version of that manual that you can download from Toyota and then do a search. Good luck. JeffD
Perhaps the steering wheel was replaced by a previous owner with the incorrect part to correct peeling or something? Here's what my '16 Three Touring wheel looks like.
Update: I got a steering wheel control switch off eBay that has the dynamic cruise and lane assist buttons. I installed it yesterday and I have a fully functioning 2016 Three Touring!