Recently I noticed my fob was intermittently not unlocking / locking doors. Yesterday it stopped working completely. Installed new battery same problem. Tried spare fob that has never been used with new battery and it did not work. tested both new batteries and both had over 3 volts. Went to autozone and used the fob tester, neither was sending a signal. I just have a hard time believing that both fobs have failed especially the one that has never been used. Am I missing something? Suggestions for next step? Thanks
How have your door locks worked seperate from the FOBs? There's a known problem with Prius C doorlocks, which has potential to be related, but maybe not?
Hello, I have the same exact problem with my 2013 prius C, intermittent failure on remot kay for doors , it started only missing unlock once every 3 or 4 day, but know it bearly unlock, it my works once a mount or soo... did replace the key battrey, no go...door switches works just fine, and manual key unlock it ok too. What it could be? Please help.
I did find a AAA battry on my poket where I cared my key , will it cause interference on key programming?