I agree with lasrx, I'll wait until they have a chip that can do a variety of functions. It would be handy for identification as well as for purchases. As a side question, has anyone had their physical key copied? Not the fob, but the little key that is inside it to manually open the doors. I'd like to carry a spare key with me for emergencies, but I'd rather have a traditionally shaped one that I could fit in my wallet. I realize that I wouldn't be able to start the car, but I might hide the second fob (in an Altoids tin) somewhere in the car just in case.
The danger is that with a fob in the car, anyone that was aware of it could steal your car by breaking a window to get in. But perhaps if it's well-hidden and you keep it secret, the chances of that would be minimal.
I don't know.. the fobs are sensative. If it's in my pocket with my cell phone.. sometimes it won't work.. if i have my housephone in my pocket next to it.. it won't work at all. It only works about 20 feet away. Most other remotes for other cars work a lot farther than this... btw.. if you ever need to get a better signal with your fob... ( trying to lock the car from far away).. hold it to your neck.. hell.. even stick out your toung.. you can get an extra 30 feet or so off the fob this way.. sounds silly.. but works. This is what happens when my bro gets bored.. but i tell him ty.. it helps when i forget to press the black button on the door.
Since I've had everything else implanted somewhere this would not be a big deal except I'd have them implant it somewhere near the sensor. Now that might be sensitive :|
Some of you may have seen this before, but if you're going to get chipped, at least do it for something fun http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?...p?id=ns99995022
Well, that would take care of one of the big three easily lost items. Now, how does one implant sunglasses and pens? As much as I like my car, I don't think I'd go so far as an implant. How's this idea: a chip small enough to wear as an earing or necklace? The carjacker wouldn't need to cut off your ear because he would never guess that the earing is the carkey. You could, however, be having trouble hearing the pizza knife demonstration while at the same time being very hungry so that you've put your face down by the pizza at the exact moment the chef is slicing........a kind of Van Gogh moment.
This is similar to the scenario I envisioned when I saw the title of this topic. In mine, the carjacker kills you and sticks you in the trunk, keeping you and your chip close by.
... just found this on-line while searching for instructions on how to activate an AVID chip that's been in my dog since I adopted her. http://www.av1611.org/666/biochip.html#Part2 Is the biochip the Mark of the Beast? *edit* after posting this I went back to the main forum only to see that this thread had 666 views... coincidence?
I could swear that this was used in an episode of Alias. (Or maybe it was one of the sequels to Under Siege.) My God, I\'m wasting mental bandwidth on Steven Seagal movies. Shoot me now.