I picked up some stuff from the junkyard. All seems easy to put together except this axle shaft. Is this a cv joint? It looks like a complicated u joint
Complicated because it looks like you're missing part of it. There's another section shaped like a cup that your piece inserts into, and then the cup section inserts into the transaxle.
Thank you. This will be helpful. Where do you find these. Is there one for heated coolant storage tank?
You really want to have that cup that was mated to that joint that's been together for however long and driving wherever the transmission is that those three pieces fit into you'd like to have that piece in the interim I guess you can bust yours apart and use your piece probably won't hurt anything It's nice to have the original setup but if that can't be because the person taking it apart just snatched it out and left it in the transmission oh well it'll still work If it goes to clicking and acting up you'll take that whole axle shaft out again take it to the CV joint place and they'll fix you right up usually a remanufactured axle shaft with new joints and boots left or right for these vehicles is around 66 bucks locally here in North Carolina The bottom fell out on these front drive axles a long time ago.
Hmm looking at this do I really need to replace the axle at all? it looks like damage is isolated to lower control arm and shock/strut/spring. Right?
I’m guessing you can’t? What would tell me it needs replaced? I’d still need to attach it to the knuckle or whatever it attaches to. I guess the best learning would be just going to a junkyard in tearing one apart
In what order do I attach these parts ? If I put the strut tower in then I can’t fit the cv axle thru right? So how do I attach both at the same time