Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what was the cause and how expensive was it to fix? My interior lights no longer automatically come on when opening the doors or trunk. If I turn the lights on with the switch, they work, but the auto feature isn't working. This has been going on for a few weeks. I noticed if I pressed up on it hard, the lights would blink. Figuring maybe there was a recall or it's an easy fix, I went to my local dealership who wants $500 to replace the light fixture (or whatever the technical term was, I wasn't provided a written estimate). As I do with any questionably large quote from a dealership, I brought the car to my local independent mechanic, who seems to think that's very expensive for that problem. I scheduled an appointment for next Tuesday. But in the meantime I'm wondering if this may be something easy that I could fix myself? I usually don't touch anything electrical so I don't mind paying the local guy $150/hr for a pro fix but just thought I'd ask the forum. Thanks!
Makes sure the solar sensor on the dash where it meets the windshield is not covered or take a microfiber cloth and clean it.
Several times (I won't confess how many), I have gone weeks with the automatic interior lights not working before remembering to check this switch on the roof console, and discover that it somehow got moved away from the middle Auto position, and put in the left-hand OFF position: Is there any chance you missed something like this?
I forgot to update this thread on the outcome. The interior light mechanism failed. I had a mechanic diagnose and he replaced the whole unit for ~ $450. This has been my ONLY problem in 6 years with this Prius! It's like a tank. Just works each and every time.
The center position on my cars roof console doesn’t work any more. The lights stay on when I close the door, so I have to leave the switch in the off position.