Just got an email from Pge, looks like a new rebate program roll out for used EV/Plug-in purchase. Prime is on the list as well https://evrebates.pge.com/?cid=em_PreOwnedEVRebate_20230329-PreOwnedEVRebate-c6174_20230329_HowCTA_email_na_na https://evrebates.pge.com/program-requirements Eligible Carpool Sticker List | California Air Resources Board
One can also get up to $4k federal tax credit on 2+ year old used Clean Vehicle if purchased from dealer. Read attachment carefully. Used Clean Vehicle Credit | Internal Revenue Service
Nice find!! Car needs to be at least 2 years old, cost less than $25K and a plug-in with at least 7or larger kilowatt battery. If your income is too high; you'll also lose the write-off. Make sure the dealer files the correct paperwork, otherwise the IRS will deny the credit.
I am a bit confused. When I check the link for qualified vehicle, I see the Prime listed that it should not since the battery is less than 7kw Manufacturers and Models of Qualified Used Clean Vehicles | Internal Revenue Service
The old Prius Prime battery is 8.8kWh. These incentives are based upon the total capacity, not the amount used by the car.
Around $8k tax credit/rebate for an used 17-21 Prime sound like a good deal to me (assume one can get $4k max from PGE)
I'm with Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), and they'll only give us up to $1K for installing a home L2 charger - then again their rates are much better than PG&E.