I apologize if this has been recently covered. I was unable to find any current posts other than the cheap toyota replacement for a few days about a month ago... I have a 2008 gen 2 Prius we bought new now with only about 50k miles that needs a new hybrid battery. Looking at the current value (with a working battery) about $8k from carmax. I will not buy any "reconditioned", used, or other fancy-termed resale of 13 to 14 year old NiMH cells at any price. When I go to toyota part sales, this battery is "discontinued". From my research, that leaves 4 options: buy an aftermarket replacement with new cells for about $2000 + core + return shipping and do it myself; buy a 'new' replacement from Greentec for about $2000 + cost of them sending a tech to replace; or drive 2000 miles to NexPower in California to pickup a set of lithium cells for $2100 + ?? with a pretty pathetic 2 year warranty. Actually I guess a 5th option is dealer for $4k+? From my perspective, none of these options are very attractive. I appreciate any input, pro or con about these choices!
Looks like you’ve already boxed yourself in to getting an OEM battery installed since you’ve concluded that nothing else is attractive to you. So … Have you called a few Toyota dealers to see what the real price is? $4k is an outdated price. Also Google hybrid mechanic in Tulsa and ask what they charge to install a Toyota battery or ask for advice. It appears there are many shops in Tulsa. Greentec is in Dallas which is a 500 mile day trip.
Are you sure you need the whole kit and not just an odd one or two cells. 50K doesn't sound like a lot to need a whole new battery.
welcome! short of finding a new oem, i would either go with 'newpriusbatteries.com', or the new lithium replacement battery. but i would keep searching for a new oem if time allows. they are not discontinued, but may be subject to the ongoing covid shortages. lots of people here are still finding them for under 2k and installing them.
Apparently you overlooked part of his post: "When I go to toyota part sales, this battery is "discontinued"." I think he should NOT believe that unless and until he verifies that with an actual dealers parts desk or maybe directly with Toyota corporate. I find it hard to believe......unless it has been replaced by an "upgraded" part.
Texas Hybrid looks like a very attractive option. THB shows a new Toyota OEM battery as available for them to install. Curious what they have to say about stock from Toyota. Brand new OEM Toyota battery $2250 installed anywhere in North Texas. Or get their opinion on your battery, maybe a grid charge can restore your battery. Better yet, how did you arrive at the conclusion that you need a new battery. https://www.texashybridbatteries.com/batteries
I overlooked nothing. He’s boxed himself with conclusions galore without facts. As we’ve seen in other posts, Toyota apparently eliminated old stock number and started a new one. Simply calling around would be a first step, which may or may not be too much effort for him.
Olathe Toyota in Kansas sells them for around $1,900. You can haggle a bit. offer them $1,800 and they pay shipping. If you want OEM. If you want new. NimH go with new Prius batteries.com. $1,600. Or lithium Ion. From. Projectlithium.com $2250. All of these options are New. Zero hours on the cells.
Olathe parts web site says Not for Sale No Longer Available For Purchase??? https://parts.olathetoyota.com/oem-parts/toyota-battery-g951047031
May be prudent to go with THB installed for $2250, 48 month unlimited mileage and labour. Same distance to KS or Dallas.
Maybe that is because this is NOT a part that they can "ship" to you........so there is no point in being able to order it "online". And maybe it is not prudent to believe what you see on a web site as an absolute truth. Just maybe.
And Sam is giving us the absolute truth, that MAYBE G9510-47031 is not available for sale online to be shipped. Curious that Olathe hasn’t suggested online that showing up at the parts desk is the only prudent course of action. Or that you can’t order online for will call pickup which I have done from Camelback Toyota Phx. Seems that will call has always been an option for online orders. But Sam is the absolute authority as usual.
I recently did a full pack reconditioning with just a couple hundred bucks for the charger. Dr Prius app tells me I now have "103% remaining life". There is a secret to it given in my post. See Gen 2 P0420 P0446 C1259 C1310 HV charging problem? | PriusChat Go for it!