I'm looking for advice anyone can give me on the best way to dispose of my 2011 Prius with 275k miles in the Kennesaw, GA area. Here is some background: In December 2022 I brought the car to dealer for a check engine light and engine knocking issue. I was told that I could either 1) replace the head gasket for $3-4k (I don't remember exact $) and possibly run into the same engine knocking issue in the not-so-distant future or 2) replace the engine for $6k and up. I opted to do neither of these given the age and mileage of the car. For the next two months, the engine continued to knock at startup and struggled to perform at low speeds, but was otherwise driveable. However, this week I had incident in which it suddenly began knocking violently, shaking the car, engine smoked, and I had to pull the car over abruptly. Now as soon as the car is started, it of course does the same thing - engine knocks violently and soon begins to emit white smoke. I had the car towed to the dealer today, and tomorrow morning I'm about 99% sure will be told the same thing as before (nothing can be done other than engine replacement, if that at this point). Given that I no longer consider the car driveable and am not willing to put $6k or more into it, what is my best option? Offer the car on Craigslist? To junk dealer? I'd prefer to sell it to the Toyota dealer just to be done with it, because it's already parked there and I'd prefer not to pay more towing fees. However, I don't know if the dealer would buy an old car with my problem for any money at all. The body has some very minor damage. Tires probably have 15-20k miles on them. The catalytic converter would have some value too correct? Battery? Anyone have a rough estimate of what the scrap value on a Prius in my condition might be? Thanks everyone.
Rough spot to be in, I'd get a second opinion from a local shop on how much it'd be to install a new motor. May be find someone who can install the 2017+ motor in it. I did just that in 2021 to my sisters 2013 Prius V and the total cost was $1400 (engine and misc. parts), obviously that number would be higher if you have someone else do it. BTW I am in the same boat as we speak with my 2010 prius with 290k miles on the motor, head gasket is gone.
Thanks for the reply, but just for clarification, I'm not interested in trying to keep the car, install new motor, etc. I'm ready to move on completely from it and get a new car. But I can't seem to find any discussion on here about scrapping/disposing of a Prius. For example, if I offer it to a junk dealer, how much should I ask? Or put it on sale for how much on Craigslist? Do dealers typically buy undriveable Prius, and if so, normally for how much (are we talking $100 or more like $1,000)? I have no clue what the parts are worth and would like to avoid getting ripped off.
I have seen ads for non running prii on craigslist...check around, somebody may want it. I doubt a dealership would, though.
On the cheap side you can replace the motor for as little as $2~3K, I'd check the KBB suggested value for a running car, deduct 2500 from it, list it as needing a new engine on CL or Marketplace and accept the first reasonable offer that comes through the door. You'll have a lot dealers and used car lot folks calling you at first that can spruce up a turd and sell for a premium, obviously they'll try to haggle you to scrap it to them or how they can haul it away for no charge, as appealing as may sound but there is value to the prius. Its a darling for taxi companies and uber drivers, you can sell it for a reasonable price rather than junking it for cheap.
You could try selling it for $1700 and take the best offer for the whole car. Or part it out and maybe make $3k $2400 in parts and then $600 to have them haul off what is left. Start with calling local junkyards and just get a price. Then you know your minimum.
[QUOTE="ColoradoCrow, post: 3330961 Daughter front ended my 2010.. came in handy for parts...raided the accumulator this weekend.