Here’s a weird one. I pull the car into the garage, do a HV battery replacement, hook up the 12v, and now the power button does nothing, nada, zilch. The dash does not light up other than showing the doors are open. -I checked the 12v and it’s healthy. Hooked up jumper cables just in case, nothing. -changed batteries in the fob as it doesn’t lock the doors or anything anymore, still nothing. I checked the key fob batteries and tried them in other cars key fobs and they unlock my other cars fine. -brake lights are working fine. -checked every fuse under the hood and inside the cabin for continuity. they are all good. -tried another switch from another vehicle, no dice. - I recall the previous owner saying she had this issue from time to time but this is the first time it’s ever happened to me in 6 months. She said she’d push on the fuse box in the engine bay and it would start, but I don’t know how much stock I put into that. I have the entire dash removed looking for obvious signs of loose connectors but I fail to see anything. Any suggestions? By chance anyone have schematics for the power button? I’d love to see if I have power to the switch and trace that back. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Do it again and on the last step slam it home to your finger hurts That's the down pushing portion now go up to the front of the car and do it again The button pushing
That still hasn't convinced me it would cause a no power to the power button issue. If we were looking at a P0A0D code, then sure.
Have we confirmed there's actually no power to the power button though? I don't have time to look at it at the moment but here's the wiring diagram I have for a 2010.
Page 260 and 261 is the power switch (if anyone has a wiring diagram with a proper index and intro I'd appreciate it). I have more questions than answers, but it looks to me like a pull down on SSW1 and SSW2? I'm confused by this though? Aren't you wondering IF there's power to the switch? It seems to me like you replaced the HV battery and now the car doesn't start, why are we focused on the switch? Maybe I'm missing something. I would definitely be double checking the service grip and all the HV battery connections. What does a Prius do exactly when it doesn't have the service grip installed?
About exactly what you're describing is what would happen if the orange plug is not slammed home on the last pulldown That's what engages the little two pin plug that tells the system that that plug is installed all the way correctly Some cars this thing is really loose it almost falls in the hole in my car and a few others I've owned the thing is a bear to get in and almost feels like it doesn't fit across the tangs properly. But this is exactly what you would have if that orange plug is not all the way to home base I've done it three or four times the first once or twice it happened it took me about 40 minutes to discover that's what was happening and I would have swore up and down everything was jam up and jelly tight It was not.
I'm glad you asked. It lights up the power button, goes to IG ON when you press the button twice without pressing the brake, lights the master warning triangle, and gives you OBD-II trouble codes telling you what you missed. If the service grip is not there at all, or if it's there but you didn't manage to slide its handle all the way home to satisfy the safety interlock, you will have code P0A0D. If there is something wrong with the grip, such as its internal fuse being blown so it doesn't connect the two battery sections even if the interlock is satisfied, you will have code P0A95.
Fair enough, thanks. Is that to say it's probably nothing with the HV battery at all since you'd get some dash action and some codes as long as your 12v works? Are you sure you have the right key? All of this is what happens if you don't have the correct FOB, right? Do you have a spare? Have you at least tried the 'pushing on the fuse box' thing?
Thanks for all the suggestions. It’s much appreciated. Found the issue. It’s the integration relay module inside the fuse box. Pulled it out, gave it a few whacks and the car sprang to life. I’ll be ordering a new one. Thank you everyone
South Main Auto guy was working on a car with flakey fuse: owner reported she would give fuse box a rap to wake it up. When he popped hood found she’d finally hit it hard enough to stove it in lol.