Its got 188k miles. Exterior and interior are in excellent condition. It already had an issue with intmt brake booster failure and it fails every time car is started now. Now it has a blown head gasket. From the loud noises its making, I think it may have a damaged damper. This is way too big a risk to replace head gasket, only to find that the engone has to be pulled to replace damper ( something I cannot do myself). So I will try to sell on FB marketplace. But can someone who knows about car valuations give me a " as is" sale price. I can find out what the car is worth on kelly bb....but this car is not in driveable condition. So maybe its not worth even half of Kelly bb? Im clueless what to ask for it.
just subtract the cost of repairs from the kbb value. that's still a fairly low mile prius, and they are worth a fortune these days