FYI to anyone in the Bay area, CA I reached out to Miller cat asking about their cat shield for our cars. They responded that they are currently looking for someone with a Gen5 to test fit their cat shield on and take some pictures in the Santa Clara area. You would get a free cat shield for 2hrs of your time. If you've gotten your car already and are in the area I would reach out to them via the form on their site. ps. I have no affiliation with them, this is not an advertisement.
I have been using miller cat for a while now on Prius, Tacoma, 4Runner, they are not the cheapest, but their attention to detail and the amount of R n D they put into it is excellent. That being said, I don't plan on using it on 4th gen or newer Prius though, they aren't really targeted (at least where I live)
Putting a lot of faith in the persons stealing cats to know the difference. It's been well more than just Priuses getting hit around here. I'm still going to get one.
Since it means more profit for the same risk, I expect they do know the difference. Pick ups and SUVs are high on the lists of targeted cars, as the thief doesn't need a jack. Catalytic Converter Theft: 10 Most Targeted Vehicles - CARFAX
Everyone can save some cash using my promo code "azusa" when ordering their cat shield from MillerCat. You can find their link in my profile.
The Toyota website configurator for the Gen 5 offers both the aluminum and stainless steel MillerCAT shields as accessories, so I don't know why Miller is looking for a car to test fit them on...
Due diligence would be to actually put one on a car to ensure what they made from Toyota's diagrams. With a more available model, they might do so before selling product.
I’m running Miller Cat shields on my Prime and my Tacoma. They both fit like a glove and the quality is top notch. Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them. Very cheap insurance to encourage the tweeter to move on to an easier target.
Toyota doesnt have them yet I confirmed already with mutiple inside sources. Yes, this is a normal part of product development.. Would you rather them ship it without making sure it fits?
Miller let me know they have their shield available now. Not too bad $190 , less than I was expecting.
Indeed and dont forget to save even more on it with promo code "azusa"