I would never do that to my engine. This is how I drive: YARN | I pretend the gas pedal's an egg. | King of the Hill (1997)—S06E04 Comedy | Video clips by quotes | 241c1628 | 紗
Every time I accelerate a little harder in my new Corolla Hybrid and hear the engine / CVT stuck at high RPM, I let it go and slow down. These cars don't invite you to go fast, and it sounds horrible. When I want to go fast, I get into my below 3 sec car.
Agreed, but occasionally flooring it for a few moments (e.g. getting on freeway/highway, passing, etc.) isn’t bad for the engine. Gets the juices flowing! Vroom vroom
Ugh...SO many are fixated on the 'power' the new Prius has. It's a freaking economy car people! Frankly, I'd take a bit less power but more MPGs any day. With that said, the EPA of the LE model does look pretty good, It could have been better though.
More like gets the carbon flowing, but it's not hurting anything but your MPG figures. The car feels strong off the line, but not so much in passing scenarios. Really happy I went with the AWD.
I agree. And I am also tired of the obsession of the 0-60 of EVs. Yes, we know - they are all very fast - how about more efficient power electronics (higher MPGe), more compact and power dense batteries, and a lot less weight??? and Car Play/Android Auto that actually works ALL THE TIME...???
People were obsessed with acceleration long before EVs showed up. The Prius was a slow car remember. Even though the 2005 was an iota faster than my 1996 Taurus with a V6 Tesla aimed for ridiculous acceleration, but everyone was assuming a BEV would pull away like a golf cart. Some made by others did.
Pretty sweet video, thanks for sharing. It's a lot faster than I was expecting. For those who are complaining about the new power - for some like me - it's the primary reason I am considering the car. I drove a Corolla Hybrid and it lacked the power I wanted. The gen 3 I had also was too lackluster. I want a combination of good MPGs and decent power. The new Prius LE does a great job of having both. If you want MPGs, look at the corolla hybrid. Gets great mileage, and cost less than the Prius to boot. My primary reason to move up to the Prius from the Corolla Hybrid was because of the increased power for similar MPGs.