Hi all! Hoping someone might have some insight on this: For the last week my 2007 Prius makes a noise I've never heard before when I'm idling or braking. About a week ago I got my oil changed and despite going through the manual reset steps, my Maintenance Required light will also not turn off. Now I'm wondering if it's staying on because there's a problem separate from needing an oil change that's related to this sound. My questions are: Does anyone have thoughts on what this sound could be? Do the manual reset steps for the Maintenance Req'd light only work if you've successfully addressed the problem i.e. changed your oil, or should it be able to reset no matter what? i.e. it's not related to this noise Prius Noise - YouTube For some reason it doesn't let me embed the video but I'm posting the link Many thanks in advance!!! I appreciate having an idea before taking it into a shop as I'm new to where I live and don't have a place I really trust here yet.
If you take it to a shop, take it to Leo and Sons Lawrence MA, if you are in Portland, about 80 miles from you. At least they won't rip you off. https://leosons.com/ Recommended by @bisco
Have you checked the oil level yet ? Looked for other things under the hood that might be loose......like the air intake ?? The instructions in the owners manual for those older models to reset the reminder were somewhat inaccurate and confusing. It is just a "dumb" timer/mileage monitor. Someone at the "oil change place" should know how to reset it.
The proper way to reset the maintenance light is simple. on a 2007, with the odometer (not trip A or trip B) showing on your dash. With the car fully off, press and hold the "odm/trip" button while starting your car. You'll see a countdown on your dash that will reset after about 5 seconds. The sound from your brakes, is it like a barking/honking sound?
If you watch the MFD, the noise is present even when the car is moving under HV battery power only. The engine is off, so we can pretty much eliminate the noise being engine related. It is also present even when the car is stationary, which pretty much elimates the transaxle, brakes, suspension, etc. Any chance this is happening when the AC is on? Radiator fan rubbing? The cabin ventilation fan running? Maybe cabin air fan is on and is rubbing something? The noise is also the same "speed" regardless of car moving or not moving. I would venture to say it's related to a fan or AC system.
I haven’t checked anything. I know next to nothing about cars. This started since getting my oil changed though. The person at the oil change place couldn’t figure out how to shut it off either.
Many times when you do an oil change, a mechanic will check your filters. My guess is they checked your cabin air filter in the back of your glove box. If they didn't install it correctly or got some debris/paper in there, it would possibly make that noise constantly (when the AC is on). I would check that, possibly something in your glovebox fell in there (from being too full)
Thanks for these thoughts! The video only shows when the sound is there, but it's not there when I'm on the highway, or driving down the street and hitting the gas. Once I start braking or am idling is when it starts up. I'm going to take it in to a shop here this week and will report back. Interesting about the air filter, I am going to check it out in the meantime.
Looping back to this many months later - thanks for your help, it turned the AC off and it stopped making the noise. I recently had to get an AC recharge and it no longer makes the sound.