My cat was stolen. Insurance only pays for the repair. The repair part is 6-9 months on back-order. If I keep the car at the shop (if they let me) or at my house (likely on the street with a sign that says "cat already stolen") will the hybrid battery (original 12 year-old) even survive that? The car has 70,000 miles on it, has been driven at least 3- 4 times a week, and taken care of well. I live in Houston, so we have long hot summers. I don't intend to keep it either way (I will be buying a replacement), because I can't go that long without a car. I just want to know what to expect will happen. b
You can remove the battery and put it in a closet in the home and post a sign that says they stole the battery and cat, please just siphon the gasoline and end the misery.