Wifey bought a Subaru during the pandemic and thanks to the nice dealer, only paid MSRP -- not the $2-3K over MSRP most dealers were charging. As part of the purchase, the dealership will change the oil/filter and rotate tires for free for the first two years -- this a dealership thing, Subaru does NOT offer any free services after purchase. Just went in for the second O/C and rotation, looked under the hood and found a strange looking filter; asked the dealer and was given this TSB -- after a bit of pushing..The short story was that originally, Subaru was telling dealers that, depending on circumstances, they may need to do an engine oil flush when using these filters. Apparently, a few months later, they changed the circumstances surrounding when a flush is needed. Interesting how supply problems are still hitting, anyway. Thinking about pulling off the filter they put on and putting on a good Wix or Mobil....If you are really bored, lots of chatter about this on the Subie forums. NUMBER: 02-191-22R DATE: 11/02/22 REVISED: 11/14/22 APPLICABILITY: All Models SUBJECT: Genuine Subaru Alternative Engine Oil Filter Replacement INTRODUCTION: Due to unexpected supply chain challenges, this bulletin announces the availability of a temporary genuine Subaru alternative engine oil filter. This oil filter should be used until Subaru announces a permanent solution to the current supply chain challenge. The genuine Subaru alternative oil filter has some features that differ from the prior Subaru filter, requiring additional service procedures for certain oil changes. When servicing a vehicle with this alternative oil filter, always confirm the vehicle’s maintenance circumstance (A or B as listed in the Service Procedure) and, if applicable based on the information below, proceed to the oil flush and oil filter replacement procedures outlined below. The Important Note within this procedure must always be followed when installing either of the genuine Subaru alternative oil filters. PART INFORMATION: Part Description Subaru Genuine Part Number Genuine Alternative Part Number OIL FILTER COMPLETE 15208AA15A SOA6351520815* 15208AA12A SOA6351520812* *Part Numbers are to be used for claim submission when applicable. The genuine Subaru alternative filters have a square cut seal, are blue in color, and have the part number printed on the top.
Uh, I've just been using Fram or Supertech for the Outback or Legacy from the local Walmart. With an oil change interval of 6000 miles, I'm not going to worry.
Same problem with Subaru. Sort of...I went to buy a filter and ran into woes. Got to gossiping with the parts guy and he claimed they were flushing all engines as part of an oil change....that's what he claimed. Dealers must not have been smiley about that issue. Kris
The OT cut off what the A and B circumstance were. I'm reading this as Subaru is only calling for a flush for the very first change, or the one after major engine work was done when this alternative filter is involved.. Supposedly the blue Subaru filters are Frams, including the innards.